Letters to editor

Manchester Essex High School is currently in the process of changing the class schedule for the Fall of 2024. This change is directly precipitated by the budget cut and the need to pool resources …

My dear friend Michael Scarlata is running for Republican State Committeeman in the First Essex and Middlesex district which includes Manchester and surrounding towns.   I have known Michael for …


I am the member of the MBTA Task Force who lives on Bennett St.   I am responding to the letter to the editor in last week’s paper as an individual, not on behalf of the Task Force.   …

I write in response to a recent letter asserting the districts under consideration as part of the MBTA Zoning process reflect “NIMBYism” by the MBTA Zoning Task …

To The Editor: Theresa Whitman, School Committee Chair, reminded us at the recent joint finance committee meeting, “When the two towns formed a Regional School district, they essentially …

We live in a Constitutional Republic. We elect representatives that, in theory, represent us and act on our behalf. They are not suppose to represent the Federal Government or State Government or …

Thank You to MBTS' Fire & Police

To the Editor, We wish to thank the Manchester Fire and Police Departments for their quick response to our recent needed emergency. We are so very lucky to have such professional, courteous …

To the Editor, My letter last week stated that I would form a small group with the expertise to analyze the failure of electronic voting at our special town meeting.   This is an update on …

To the Editor, Aside from the poor financial choice to use reserves to repeatedly fund operational costs, a school budget that needs to be artificially suppressed year after year is not …

Letter submission from Dahlia Beltramini

The following information was submitted to the letter to the editor information form on www.thecricket.com: first name: Dahlia last name: Beltramini address: 22 WOODCREST RD city: …

To the Editor, The towns of Manchester and Essex are fortunate to have capable and responsible leaders guiding our excellent schools. Since 2010, Pam Beaudoin and Avi Urbas have led the district …

In Support of Article 12

To the Editor, In the last 10 years, the average attendance at Town Meetings/Special Town Meetings has been 341 registered voters, out of a population of 4,165 registered voters. Only eight percent …

Vote YES on Article 12

To the Editor, At the Special Town Meeting on November 13th, you will vote on a proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) bylaw for detached accessory structures. This is changing a current bylaw that …

Why Vote Yes on Article 13

To the Editor, Why vote YES on Article 13? This petition serves to eliminate confusion, complete the record, and reaffirm the Town’s desire to protect the Open Space known as Powder House Hill …

To the Editor: Turkey's claims: “Israel has been openly committing war crimes for 22 days, but the Western leaders cannot even call on Israel for a cease-fire, let alone react to it,” said …

MBTS Halloween Committee Thank You

To the Editor, The Halloween Party at the Memorial School was a very busy location with families dropping in to start their Halloween evening. Pizza slices, drinks, goodie bags and …

Vote Yes on Article 12

To the Editor, Town Meetings don’t fairly represent the majority of voters. The last two town meetings were only attended by 310 and 266 voters out of ~ 4,300 voters (7.2% and 6.2%). In …

To the Editor, We are writing to help residents understand a number of important facts about special permits and Manchester Zoning and to correct a few of the numerous errors in Mr. Keefe’s …

To the Editor, I was surprised to see an article advocating allowing added parking on Beach Street with a town By Law change. Parking past Tappan Street was recently and decisively voted down at …

To the Editor, I am Dahlia Beltramini from Waring school in Beverly.  Our writing class is working on a letter to the editor assignment.  I have stated a problem I can personally …

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