Easter Breakfast Thanks


To the Editor,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped make this year’s Easter Sunrise Breakfast another huge success.

Thanks to Commander Alan Kirker and the American Legion Amaral-Bailey Post 113 for their yearly generous donation of their hall; to Kevin and Brenda Johnson, the owners of Seabreeze Variety in Manchester, who donated all of the dairy products and juices used at the breakfast; and to Jim Crosby and Manager Kevin O’Brien of Crosby’s Markets, who provided all our eggs, potatoes, peppers, onions, and much, much more.  Their generosity over the years is greatly appreciated by not only us, but by the town’s people of Manchester who attend the service at the beach and the breakfast each year. We thank these people for their gracious contributions to this community event.

Largely due to the generosity of these local merchants, this is the 31st annual (except for ’20, ’21, and ’22 when we had to take a breather for Covid) breakfast that has been served free of charge, and we feel that the community spirit displayed by these people is to be admired.

Finally, we could never run this event without our valuable volunteers.  Again, this year, there are too many to mention, but you know who you are, and you know that your efforts are very much appreciated. 

Thank you.

Jack & Eileen Buckley


easter, food and drink, breakfast, manchester, easter traditions, manager kevin o’brien, alan kirker, jim crosby, brenda johnson