Letters to editor

This July 4th raffle to support the parade and fireworks is over for this year - we’ll have the winners by next week, however, we want to thank some of our local merchants for donating valuable …

When it comes to our society’s struggle to prevent overdose, the losses seem to weigh a whole lot heavier than the victories. Last week, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health sent out a …

The Fourth of July is coming!   It’s not too late to make your donation to help support both the parade and the Manchester Singing Beach fireworks (on the 3rd). It’s a huge event in …

On behalf of the elementary students and teachers at Essex Elementary School and Manchester Memorial School, I want to thank you for the Hooper Fund’s generous grant to support our goal of …

The 4th of July is coming! It’s not too late to make your donation to help support both the parade and the Singing Beach fireworks (on the 3rd). It’s a huge event in our town and is …

The choice of the rainbow in the form of a flag can be found historically in many facets of international history.  For example, the Rainbow flag is referenced in the Bible when God used …

In response to last week's Letter to the Editor submitted by Kim Kahan, I'd like to offer the following letter: Dear Miss Kahan, Thank you, your fiancé (when’s the big day?!), …

Tick Spraying  Alternatives

In a recent letter to the editor we discussed the hazards of spraying for mosquitoes.   We realize that many companies advertise that their products kill both mosquitos and ticks, so we want to …

Thank You Manchester DPW!

A special thanks should go out to the Manchester Dept. of Public Works for all the hard work you did to make “Tuck’s Point” beautiful again. Sean, Frank, Steve, and crew worked their tails …

I am writing to express my concerns and the shared sentiments of many local veterans regarding the recent decision to display the Pride flag on our Town Memorial during the month of June. As a …

I write to thank Manchester’s voters for electing me as moderator for the 30th time. It is an honor to serve the town in this capacity, and I am grateful for their support. I extend my …

At the end of this school year on June 13th, Manchester Essex Regional School District will lose one of our most valuable assets. The dedicated nurse at the Memorial School, Joanne Seaman, will …

I cannot believe that in just a few days, this school year will end, and I will be walking out the door for the last time as your school nurse …

I am writing to announce my candidacy for the open seat of office of Register of Deeds, Massachusetts Essex County Southern district, for this November’s election. Your home is …

The Manchester-by-the-Sea 4th of July Committee would like to thank the following donors.  The following list have made a donation over the past month or so to this year’s 4th of July …

A note about capital projects and water meters, specifically.  First, I would like to thank everyone for a successful town meeting and their support on DPW Town Meeting articles and continued …

I am running for re-election to the Manchester Planning Board and ask for your vote at the election on May 21st. My family chose to move here more than 20 years ago because …

My name is Peter Morton, and I am writing to you to ask for your vote on May 21 st for a seat on the Planning Board.  I have been a Manchester resident since 1992, raising three children here, …

Spring is upon us, and the Manchester Essex Conservation Trust (MECT) is getting ready to head out for a Clean-up Day in Essex.  We’ll be meeting on Saturday, May 4 th at 10 a.m. and …

I write to thank the nearly 400 voters who made time to attend the Annual Town Meeting last week.  Although the warrant contained only 21 articles, many involved important decisions for the town …

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