Letters to editor

Timely Minutes = Posture of Transparency

To the Editor, Did you know Manchester-by-the-sea has a YouTube channel where you can watch all the various town meeting shenanigans?  Ayup, that’s right -- there is, but I’m not sure …

To the Editor, I freely confess that I am a member of the Downtown Improvement Project (DIP) committee.  But I write as a simple(!) voter and taxpayer.  We should be truly thankful for the …

To the Editor, I am writing in support of Jon Keefe’s letter “Just Say No to Proposed MBTA Zoning Changes” which appeared in the 2/10 Cricket – what he says makes common sense. The …

Special Thanks to the Tuck’s Point Crew

To the Editor, I would like to thank Mike, Danny, Erin and June for organizing a bowling trip for my birthday.  There were 20-25 people and I can’t tell you enough how much I love you all!  …

To the Editor, This past weekend, temperatures in Cape Ann reached -7F with windchill, pipes bursts, roofs caved in, and many families suddenly found themselves having to brave the frigid cold, …

What is the MAPC?

To the Editor, While you were sleeping, an organization that is dedicated to mandating what Towns like Manchester should be doing to meet the heavy-handed agendas of faraway politicians and …

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