To the Editor,
At its meeting on March 13, the Planning Board voted unanimously to pass over Article 18: Amendments to Accessory Dwelling Unit By-Law (Section 9.1) and Article 19: Senior Housing By-law (new section 9.4) at the upcoming Annual Town Meeting. The Board was concerned that the Attorney General’s delayed approval of the November 2022 town meeting articles, also delayed the updating of the Zoning Bylaw and the checking the new approved by-law sections. The Planning Board also felt that the proposed bylaws were being confused with requirements for transit-oriented zoning (MGL Chapter 40A, Section 3A) that will be evaluated in the coming months.
The Board will still advance regulations for Adult Entertainment Establishments (Article 17). These establishments must be allowed somewhere in town and are limited to the Limited Commercial District. However, our current bylaw does not regulate their use, leaving us vulnerable. This provision provides common sense regulations.
The good news is that the Planning Board has worked very hard to get the language on these other issues drafted and reviewed by legal counsel. Passing over them at Town Meeting will allow the Board to have more time to clearly explain the proposed changes to all residents and hear additional input before moving them forward to the voters.
The Planning Board would like to thank all town boards and staff who have supported the update of the Manchester by the Sea Zoning Bylaw. The Bylaw has needed amendments and further updates for many years. Additionally, the Board would like to thank town residents for providing helpful comments that will make the MBTS Zoning Bylaw a much-improved document, resulting in more efficient and effective land use controls.
Ron Mastrogiacomo
Chair, Manchester Planning Board