Letters to editor

I plan to vote yes in support of MBTA Zoning because I want to continue to see healthy town finances, small class sizes, and depth and breadth in learning experiences for the students of …

I attended the Manchester’s Planning Board Public Hearing on MBTA Multi-Family Zoning As-of-Right Hearing this past Monday and found it to be somewhat informative.  I just couldn’t …

Thank You “Town” Workers

I’d like to thank all the Manchester Dept. of Public Works workers for all their help at Tuck’s Point this year. Frank and the crew came to help me whenever I asked this year. The sea-weed was …

To the Editor, I am writing to express support for Ballot Question 1, to give the state auditor the authority to audit the state legislature!  I endorse Democratic State Auditor Diana DiZoglio's …

Have you been perplexed by the yellow yard signs scattered around Town that say “Save MBTS”?   They want us to vote “No” on the proposed MBTA zoning bylaw at the Special …

Vote for Eileen Duff and Eunice Zeigler

Dear fellow Manchester-Essex citizens, I would like to encourage you to consider voting for my friend, Eileen Duff, for Southern Essex Register of Deeds on November 5th. The Southern Essex Registry …

In Praise of our Harbor Master

Bion Pike’s letter of Friday 25 October 2024 to The Cricket editor is a testament of this gentleman’s dedication, and devotion to his job. The fact he took the time from his busy schedule, to …

The Most Vulnerable …

In 2021, Chapter 40A Section 3A (a zoning mandate that applies to 177 towns and cities across Massachusetts with some form of MBTA service in their community) was signed into law. Multiple towns and …

A Call From the “Green Sign Brigade”

The green “YES on MBTA Zoning” signs in town are an effort by a grassroots, crowd-funded group of residents from MBTS. The QR code on the sign directs people to public documents that …

I attended the Manchester’s Planning Board Public Hearing on MBTA Multi-Family Zoning As-of-Right Hearing this past Monday and found it to be somewhat informative. I just couldn’t help but think …

As Massachusetts voters head to the polls on November 5th, a key ballot question asks whether the tipped minimum wage should be eliminated, gradually raising pay for tipped employees to match the …

I will be voting in support of the zoning amendments on November 18 and I think you should, too.  I have a number of overarching reasons for my position: If we don’t bring …

I will be voting yes on MBTA Zoning changes because I believe it is in the best interests of seniors, families, and the stability of our town government. Passing MBTA Zoning on our terms helps us to …

Donald Trump fancies himself a strong man. Many people cite his supposed strength as a reason for their support. Trump is largely ignorant of history, and routinely mentions fictional characters like …

If you haven't been following the specifics of the MBTA zoning, I would ask you, "Who's advice should you follow? That of a large team of professionals who have worked hard on this issue for almost …

Thank You Greg Federspiel

Thank you, Greg Federspiel, for giving us all the great and inciteful information about the upcoming vote on the MBTA zoning. I appreciated his latest article giving the pros and cons of the states …

Although it is somewhat difficult to obtain an accurate picture of the number of municipalities either accepting or rejecting the State’s 3A Scheme (my term), Attorney Walsh, using a variety of …

A Voice From Elm Street

Where are all those MBTS folks who put up pink STOP SLV! signs?... the folks who raised millions of dollars to hire attorneys and purchase the Powder House Lane apartment complex to try and block the …

In the aftermath of the Biden-Trump debate I was experiencing quite a bit of anxiety. The only thing I was certain about was the need to defeat Donald Trump. I decided I would write a list of all my …

The upcoming vote on MBTA Zoning is an important one for our town. As we tackle this issue as a community, it’s important that we all carefully consider all of the facts before us and especially …

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