As Solid as a Rock: Jeff Yull Will Be Your Rock


To the Editor,
To Republicans and conservative minded unenrolled voters, I worked with Jeff Yull on several occasions. I can attest to the unwavering commitments to his cause – as has many, all focused with laser precision on building a stronger MassGOP. Whether establishing robust RTCs and RCCs or collecting signatures, Jeff runs a tight ship. He made it easy to get involved; his passion and energy are contagious. I always knew where to be and when to be there. The man who was everywhere all at once was always by my side. Jeff answered his phone and responded to texts.
Jeff’s transition from North Reading’s RTC Chair to MassGOP State Committeeman will be seamless. He knows the lay of the land. Jeff’s list of accomplishments in building Republican coalitions, coordinating events, and establishing ties with Turning Point USA are impressive. To gain a foothold in our deep blue state, Massachusetts Republicans must coalesce. Jeff brings folks together, galvanizing camaraderie, invigorating the electorate and eliciting change. He will not be cowed by those entrenched in the status quo.
To all voters, you are in safe hands with Jeff Yull. He is devoted to you, all of you. When you vote for Jeff, you stand for a stronger GOP and a brighter future. Visit his website at, or his Facebook page at Jeff Yull for Republican State Committee.
Laura Tamagno