Grateful for Increased Coverage and Support of Arts Content


Dear Editor Brown and your staff at the paper:

My letter is a “Thank You” to you for the impact of your coverage of the cultural events covered in the edition of Friday, June 2.  Although I could only attend the Coleman Sculpture Dedication, the other two events were either sold out at Wellspring House and the MHS ‘s event is already one that my husband’s sculpture of The Carved “Sea Serpent” is an example of the Society’s efforts to acquire the works of Art of previous residents.

After attending and participating in The Dedication and Reinstallation of my husband’s welded steel “Western Totem,” I returned home with increased affection and respect for the importance of Art and Culture in life.  It confirms a perceived notion of mine that your paper’s coverage of cultural opportunities in Manchester and the increased awareness of those who offer them results in a richness to our lives here in Manchester.

Unlike so much media coverage that is being lost to communities where there is no longer a local newspaper, I am grateful for your efforts to keep our town informed and therefore influenced by my rightly or wrongly perceived direction to increased coverage of a wider variety of Cultural Events.

Margaret “Peggy” Coleman


peter shapiro, manchester, brown, sea serpent, media coverage, local newspaper, arts content dear editor, steel, margaret, the coleman