It’s Taken a Village to Bring the Manchester Carnival Back


To the Editor,

Our first social media post went out on Tuesday, July 11, around 9 a.m., requesting sponsorships for the upcoming carnival.  

By 9:15 a.m., Skip Crocker from Crocker’s Boatyard had emailed us requesting the title sponsorship.  By the end of the week, we had all our HarvestFest community sponsorships secured: Style Snoop, Kelly, Cape Ann Savings, Egan Law Firm, Carvalho & Associates, Gibson Sotheby’s International Real Estate, Lily Bug Creations, Bravo, Jungle, Tuck’s Candy Factory and Summer Stone Shop.  Others followed to support our First Annual Pumpkin Toss: Demeo LLP Counselors at Law & Pediatric Associates.  

The responses were all very similar, but the most common theme “Thank you for bringing the carnival back.”  This event is special, it has meaning for old and young, past and present residents.  It serves as a meaningful reminder that community does exist in Manchester-by-the-Sea.  Opportunities are everywhere we have to get involved.

The good news is that community members and organizations are getting involved and we want to ensure those who have helped behind the scenes get their shout-outs.  The truth is when you pull together an event of this size there is no way to do it alone.  There are people in our neighborhood who deserve to be honored and celebrated not just for the help they have provided for this carnival but for the carnivals of the past. 

When I first shared the news about the carnival returning to MBTS I received a beautiful note of encouragement from Craige “Cracker” McCoy.  Cracker and his family had been involved with the carnival coming to town from the beginning.  He was eager to share the history, and even as a man in his 80s, he offered to volunteer.  

A follow up note in my inbox from Muffin Driscoll included old Cricket articles that highlighted carnivals of the past.  Muffin, who served on the ME Athletic Boosters for many years and ran many of our past carnivals, made herself available for many Q & A sessions.  Ed Conway shared ideas of what worked and more importantly what did not.  

So many people shared pictures, offered stories, and volunteered to sell tickets, as they had done years ago.  All of this to ensure the history and nostalgia of the carnival could be preserved and provided for future generations.  The historical society even offered to get involved and will be onsite at the carnival throughout the weekend to remind us all why MBTS is so special. 

It was important to us that the community be represented throughout this event.  Yes, it’s a fundraiser for ME Athletic Boosters, but it’s also a chance to showcase the rich arts and entertainment scene in our school system and community.  A poster contest led us to Juan Carlos Morales, a resident of MBTS, a graduate of Mass College of Art & Design and founder of Fabrika Studio.  JC’s design was chosen as the winning look for our commemorative poster. Additionally, JC and his team at Fabrika have volunteered their expertise to help create a consistent look and feel throughout all the carnival collateral.  

Our beloved bandstand will come to life with the help and support of Friends of Manchester/Essex Performing Arts.  Local entertainers throughout Cape Ann will be joining us throughout the weekend to share their musical gifts and talents, including, but not limited to one of our beloved ME alumni, Charlie Weld, who is currently attending Berkley School of Music and returning to perform on Saturday, October 21 sometime between 12 and 3 p.m. 

Save some time on Sunday afternoon to join the ME students from chorus and Soundworks as they share their gifts and help us close out the carnival experience.

And what’s a carnival without decorations?  Thanks to our friends at Utopia Farms the HarvestFest portion of the carnival is coming to life and has led us to other connections throughout the community, including hay bales from Megan Donovan with pick-up and delivery provided by John Filias of Jeffery’s Creek and flowers galore from Dave Kressy.  

Sometimes while planning this year’s HarvestFest/Carnival it can feel like we are on the movie set of It’s a Wonderful Life, its community working together towards a common goal. It’s awesome. 

Now, it’s your turn as members of this community to do your part. The easy, fun part. First, “Save the Date” of October 20-22.  Then, purchase tickets onsite at the carnival through the self-service kiosks & buy a commemorative poster sold directly through Boosters for $10, with all proceeds benefiting our organization.  Interested in purchasing a poster?  Email us at  Finally, spread the word with friends and family in and outside of Manchester to come to Masconomo Park for the carnival and support the local vendors at the event!

Emily McCavanaugh and Tyler Pinstein

Organizers, 2023 Manchester HarvestFest & Carnival