Where Did All the Goalposts Go?


To The Editor,

As I pass by the newly re-laid turf field, I see an empty field full of stripes in various hues, assorted nets but, wait, is the contract really finished?

To fracture a famous song:

Where have all the goalposts gone?
Long time kicking.
Where have all the goalposts gone?
Last seen in fall.
Where have all the goalposts gone?
The gangs have packed them everyone.
Oh, When will they ever return?
Or, Woe, will they never return?

And will they have 'high safety nets' as used at Hyland Field?

Plus, there remain two bags of crushed rubber never laid down on the field – less bounce for all users? 

(Presumably an experienced turf-laying contractor knows precisely how much "crumb" to order and spread, no more and no less!)

And a pile of fencing and other contractor related bits and pieces that have not been removed yet.

And a parking lot “storage yard” not yet returned in better shape than before, clean of rubber dust and other trash!

Just comments as I walk by.

Tim Gates
