School Systems Should Better Accommodate ADHD Kids


To the Editor,

I am Dahlia Beltramini from Waring school in Beverly.  Our writing class is working on a letter to the editor assignment.  I have stated a problem I can personally relate to and a solution which has worked for me.

Schools need to be more accommodating to active kids.  When I was younger it was extremely hard for me to sit still for all of class.  I frequently needed to “see the nurse.”  Truthfully, I just got up and roamed the school for 20 minutes.  I had a discussion with my second-grade teacher about it and she suggested writing a b (for break) on an index card.  I could hold it up when I was feeling restless and then go for a short walk.  My teacher in fourth grade was understanding because she had a standing desk available.  Standing, I find myself more engaged with class, but fidgets are also helpful.

Research shows most younger kids cannot sit for a long period of time.  This is a skill that they will develop as they mature.  Fidgeting also shows that children are not getting enough of the exercise their bodies need.  Some kids may have ADHD (about 11%) but others just simply need to move.  Sitting for too long can cause kids to lose focus, increase anxiety or depression, and risk low grades.

I think that schools should do more interactive projects to keep students engaged.  Schools should also be encouraging and supportive of activity.  We should normalize the differences and show support by supplying fidgets, standing desks, and utilizing the outdoors as a classroom whenever possible.  All of the above will encourage engaged learning and comprehension.  It has helped me, and I hope it will help others.

(Sources available upon request)

Dahlia Beltramini
