Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation Presents an Afternoon of Silent Movies


Bring the whole family to the Gloucester Meetinghouse at the corner of Church and Middle Streets on Sunday, October 30 at 3 p.m. for an entertaining afternoon of classic silent movies with live keyboard accompaniment by Jeff Rapsis.

Children and adults of all ages will be delighted with the musical interpretation of keyboard artist Jeff Rapsis as he infuses new life into three works from the early era of cinematic history.  Rapsis has entertained audiences of all ages across New England with his fresh interpretation of this lost technique.  Founded in 2015, the Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation is dedicated to preserving the landmark building as a civic hub, entertainment venue, and community center.  The three films were selected for their wide appeal featuring non-stop action and knee-slapping comedy routines.  Presented on a large screen with live keyboard accompaniment, the afternoon of silent films offers a unique artform and an unforgettable experience for all.

Tickets are available online or at the door for $15.  Students with ID are $5 and children under 12 are free.

The Haunted House (1921)

Buster Keaton stars in this film about a gang of robbers, a crooked bank manager, and the bank’s teller who converge on a booby-trapped house decorated to appear haunted in order to fool the authorities.  A series of uproarious encounters between the antagonists leaves the audience wondering who the true villain really is.

The Floorwalker (1916)

Charlie Chaplin stars in his signature role as The Tramp in this early comedy.  The antics of an unruly customer (Chaplin) foil the crooked manager’s plans to make off with the store’s cash.  This film features sight gags galore with an early version of an attempt to run down the up escalator and one character “mirroring” the movements of another.

The Kid (1921)

Written, directed, and produced by Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin plays the role of The Tramp who cares for a young boy whose mother left him for adoption.  The three lives become intertwined in this heartwarming story of reconciliation and reunion.

charlie chaplin, the tramp, the kid, silent movies, buster keaton