32,000 Bulbs … And Counting!


This past weekend volunteers were busy in the Generous Gardeners’ flower beds along Stacy Boulevard in Gloucester, digging trenches and setting meticulously-spaced tulip bulbs for next year. 

By the end of the weekend’s work, each bed would have been successfully planted with 1,500 bulbs each, and 32,000 bulbs across all the beautiful beds.

Despite the challenges of this summer’s drought, the public gardens maintained by Generous Gardeners, a local non-profit that beautifies these gardens entirely with the help of volunteers and donations, have remained stunning.  Currently, the club is hosting weekly events with Antonietta Calabrese, Generous Gardeners’ "dahlia queen," who will be giving tours of the flowers at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays and Sundays until October 29. 

The tours are weather permitting and will be around half an hour.  Come by if you would like to learn more about Generous Gardeners and the volunteers who help the flowers bloom for all to enjoy. 

Where:  Meet at the Fishermen's Wives Memorial

When:  4 p.m. Wednesdays and Sundays through October 29

Then, on October 29, the club will hold its Dahlia Bouquet event to raise money selling bouquets that are cut and bound on site (ensuring peak freshness) until they run out of flowers. 

Last year Generous Gardeners sold out in 30 minutes, so those interested are encouraged to be prompt.

plants, botanical nomenclature, bulb, flowers, gloucester