Harbormaster Bion Pike Featured at Manchester Club's April Meeting


At the Manchester Club’s April dinner, Manchester-by-the-Sea Harbormaster Bion Pike was the featured speaker and brought the membership up to date on various initiatives and state/federal grants. 

Harbormaster Pike detailed the changes coming to the inner harbor, its potential as a revenue source to help fund future initiatives and his efforts to secure grants at both the state and federal levels.  With its fleet of Lobster boats, Manchester Harbor is recognized as an active fishing port which is how it qualifies for these various grants.  

The Manchester Club’s meeting was held at the American Legion Hall on Thursday, April 18.  Todd Crane and his kitchen crew served a delicious meal of Baked Stuffed Shrimp along with caesar salad, rice pilaf and crushed tomatoes with ice cream cookie bars for dessert.  

At the conclusion of dinner, Club President, Kevin Delaney called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence to honor the passing of longtime members, Ron Mastrogiacomo, Ralph Drinkwater, Jeff Peart and former member Dave Hall. 

Club Secretary Craige McCoy gave a recap of last month’s meeting and Treasurer David Slade updated club members on finances. 

The next Manchester Club will be held on Thursday, May 16 at the Legion where the club’s annual James Hatcher Memorial Scholarship raffle will be held.  Members can expect to receive an email invitation around the first of the month and are strongly urged to RSVP so organizers can get an accurate headcount for this strongly attended meeting.