What Was Happening| Sept 23



90 Years Ago – 1932

Joseph W. Cauthorne, Jr. has purchased the rabbitry of C. J. Poor of Peabody and added to his stock on Pine Street, which includes five different brands at present visitors are welcome.

Masconomo Council Degree of Pocahontas held their raising up of officers at their last meeting in the presence of a visiting delegation from the Peabody, Lynn and Gloucester reservations.

75 Years Ago – 1947

Sunday is the long-awaited day for the Town golfers, as on that day they will swing into action to decide who is Champ of the Town.  Everyone who is interested, whether an expert or amateur, is urged to participate, as one never knows when an upset will be scored.  It is a handicap tournament so all have an even chance.

A call from box 632 at 4 p.m. Saturday took the Fire Department to the observation house on the C.A. Read estate where they extinguished a small fire.  Little damage was done and recall was sounded at 4:29 p.m. 

60 Years Ago – 1962

John Cool, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cool of School St., was bitten by a bat last Friday, in the backyard of his home.  The incident occurred when the boy caught the bat, which was clinging to a tree, and attempted to bring it in to show his mother.  He was bitten on the finger when he squeezed the bat too tightly.  Mrs. Cool trapped the bat which had fallen to the ground, stunned and held it for authorities.

Thomas “Spike” Brown, local sportscaster and sports director will cover the color commentary in this season’s Harvard University football games for Station WNAC of Boston.  He replaces Pete Townley who handled this slot for the last three seasons.

45 Years Ago – 1977

The Seaside Firemen’s Club of the Manchester Fire Department, in its endeavor to keep abreast of the modern aspects of lifesaving and lifesaving equipment, is sponsoring a drive to purchase a piece of equipment to help the Town of Manchester obtain this goal.  This piece of equipment is known throughout the country as the “Jaws of Life”.

Jeffrey K. Dickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dickman of Ledgewood Rd., recently completed summer training in Hawaii.  Dickman is a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

30 Years Ago – 1992

The Friends of the Manchester Council on Aging wish to gratefully extend a thank-you to all those who supported out 7th annual Tailgate Sale.  The weather was perfect and the “stuff” truly became treasures for many.

The Junior Hornets cheerleaders are looking good.  We have 23 girls on the squad and have recently decided to divide them, by age, into two units.  This will provide the opportunity to the coaches to spend more time with the younger girls as well as allow the older girls to develop cheers according to their abilities.  We expect that, by the end of the season, we will have the pleasure of watching two superior teams.

15 Years Ago – 2007

The next time you visit the Post Office, think about helping to stamp out breast cancer.  Postmaster Jack Buckley remind residents that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and in conjunction with this, his office is joining other postal facilities in Massachusetts to promote the sale of Breast Cancer Research (BCR) stamps.

At the Annual Board of Directors meeting, the Boston Architectural College elected Lisa Bonneville FASID of Manchester, interior designer and Principal of Bonneville Design, as Board Chair.  Lisa is the first female and first interior designer to serve in this capacity.