Robert Ramsland, who wrenched his elbow a little over a week ago, is reported as recovering satisfactorily. He is employed by the Manchester Cooperative Ice Co.
The Fire Department is putting the necessary testing of its apparatus to good advantage this year by watering the fairways of the Essex County Golf course instead of playing the streams of water back into the brook or pond from which they are drawing the water as has been done in the past.
At a special town meeting held on September 17, 1946, it was voted that the town appropriate the sum of $800.00 to defray the expense of a survey of Jersey Lane to be used in connection with a proposed layout there of as a Town Way. The survey was completed early in January 1947, and the Engineer’s report was accepted by the Board of Selectman. The estimate for a tarred surface and drainage of the existing roadway involved the sum of $10,104.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Filias of Desmond Avenue honored their daughter Mary and her fiancé, Mr. John M. Carakatsane of Melrose, and their son Alex and his fiancée, Miss Mary Stathapoulas of Malden, whose engagements were announced recently, with a dinner party Sunday evening.
Park police and lifeguards have been alerted to watch out for strangers who may annoy young girls on the town’s beaches. The first case of a molester in many years was reported to the Board of Park Commissioners Saturday and the commissioners have ask their personnel to be on the lookout. Adults at beaches have also been asked to keep an eye out for strangers and children are asked to report any incident to one of the special officers, lifeguards or any adult.
The fire department was called out on Thursday morning at 10:45 a.m. for a fire which resulted when a lawn mower gas tank exploded on the grounds of the Stuart Eddington home, Summer Street. Engine 1 and Ladder 1 responded and Co-2 was used on the mower which was a total loss. Recall was at 11 a.m.
Round robin doubles tennis and 36 holes of golf were played on Wednesday, June 29 at the Essex County Club in Manchester for the benefit of the Boy Scouts of America. Sponsored by Essex Bank, the tournament was the first of its kind in Massachusetts.
Joy Cummings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cummings of Summer Street, is Queen of National Junior Hardcourt Tennis as a result of a victory over Kathryn Kyle of Albuquerque, New Mexico, at The Piedmont, California Recreation Center.
Manchester’s resident master of the naval confrontational novel, Charles D. “Chuck” Taylor, has had his eleventh book released and it is now available in better bookstores everywhere Shadow Wars will make the bestseller list in a very short time.
Sophomore Alex Gibson, daughter of Frederick and Laura Gibson of Manchester, has been chosen to be a member of the editorial board for the Emma Willard’s student newspaper, The Clock, for the 1992-93 year.
On July 7, Alan and Charlotte Wilson celebrated their respective 60th and 65th birthdays by climbing Austria’s third highest mountain, the WeissKugel, 12,500 feet, in the Oetztaler Alps. The mountain is known as “The Queen” because she rises majestically from the glacier and boasts an extensive summit ridge.
The controversial construction of tennis courts on the bowl-shaped lawn in front of the Memorial School will be the main subject under discussion during the meeting of the Conservation Commission on July 24 at 7:30 p.m. the issues under consideration in opposition to the proposed site are its proximity to the Lincoln Street well, which supplies just under half of the town’s drinking water, storm water management, building within a flood plain and within a ravine buffer zone, its proximity to wetlands, and conservation of open spaces.