Town Clerks and Staff Deserve High Praise for Well Run Recount


To the Editor,

The First Essex and Middlesex district Republican State Committeeman race certainly didn’t lack excitement that began on election night March 5 and concluded on Friday March 22 when the Secretary of State certified the recount results and declared me the winner for the second time.  I was extremely impressed on how well run the recounts were in each of the cities and towns.  Keep in mind the recounts were all done by hand.

I have never witnessed, observed, or experienced a recount so this was a good learning experience for me.  I admit with just a 28 vote lead my anxiety level was through the roof.  I was very fortunate to have friends, family and political allies step up to help with observing the recount on my behalf in each of the 17 towns and two cities. It took a lot of organizing because these recounts took place during a workday.  In the end the final difference was 26 a net loss of 2 from the original difference of 28.  Some might be skeptical on the accuracy of the voting machines but with roughly 25k votes cast I would say these voting machines in the First Essex and Middlesex district worked with great accuracy and precision.

I want to thank each of the city and town clerks and their staffs for all the hard work that they displayed during the recount process.  Job well done.  And finally, I want to thank Clayton Sova and Jeff Yull for running and I look forward to working with them.

Michael J. Scarlata

Republican State Committeeman Elect