Ash Wednesday at First Parish Church, Congregational


First Parish Church, Congregational is pleased to invite the people of Manchester-by-the-Sea to an Ash Wednesday service on February 17.  At 7:00 p.m., Rev. Dr. Mark Boyea will conduct a time of readings, group reflection, and live music via Zoom Conferencing. 

In addition, earlier that day, Rev. Mark will distribute ashes in the First Parish Church Sanctuary to anyone who would like to receive them from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and again from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  

Only one person at a time will be permitted in the Sanctuary to receive ashes. Please wear a mask and maintain appropriate social distance while entering and leaving the Church, and while waiting for your turn to receive ashes. 

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the sacred season of Lent. This period is a time of focused remembrance, reflection, and recommitment to the life, example, and call to follow given to us by Jesus. 

Please join us! 

To participate in the Zoom Ash Wednesday service email to receive the meeting details. Questions? Call 978-526-7661 ext. 1. 

ash wednesday, first congregational church, first parish church, manchester, first parish church sanctuary