Letter to the Editor: Asking for Your Vote!


To the Editor:

I am writing to ask for your support as a write-in candidate for the vacant Planning Board position at the June 30 town elections.

The Board needs qualified members from the design and planning professions experienced in setting up collaborative efforts with local citizens to guide new growth and achieve the goals of the Town Master Plan.  I hold a Masters in Architecture and Urban Design and have experience on the Zoning Board of Appeals (3 years) and previously served on the Planning Board (5 years).

Working with a large group of local citizens I helped develop the new Town Master Plan (3 years).  To further the plan’s goals, I assembled a group of highly qualified residents to address the issues of lower cost and diverse housing, one of the key issues identified in the Master Plan.

Opportunities the town is soon to see include new growth in the commercial district north of Rt. 128 as well as our downtown area.  We need to work cooperatively and pro-actively with the property owners there in order to guide the growth we will see rather than taking no action and being forced to re-act to plans forced upon us.  Part of these efforts include updating our zoning laws to use them as an effective and positive tool to guide growth and to also streamline the permitting process for our citizenry. I have extensive experience in all of these areas.

Collaborating with other concerned citizens, I spearheaded the ballot initiatives that saw passage of the Community Preservation Act, the Plastic Bag ban, and the ban on Styrofoam and other take-out containers. In doing so, I understand what it takes to get issues before the Town and how to move things forward.

I believe wise land use planning, done collaboratively, and using zoning as a tool to shape future growth, can all be effective ways to guide our town and make it harmonious with our past while also addressing our current needs.   

I am asking you for your help so I can continue this important work. 

There are two ways to vote: 

Vote in person on June 30 at the High School and write in Gary Gilbert under the Planning Board.


Email Christina St. Pierre at stpierrec@manchester.ma.us to obtain an absentee ballot. You can ask for one right now. Simply send her a photo of your signature, printed name, and the address you want the ballot mailed to.

The ballot will have a spot with Chris Olney’s name and 2 positions available. Kindly add my name there while also voting for Chris.

Thank you very much for your consideration and stay safe,

Gary Gilbert

Manchester, MA

land-use planning, zoning, planning board, urban planning, construction, zoning board of appeals