Self-Care Inventory (Otherwise known as: How the heck am I doing?)


In a time of unprecedented chaos in the outside world, this chaos can find its way inside of us and take its toll.

The trajectory of COVID-19 is clearly climbing toward the peak of infection, and when it gets there is unknown. By now, we are deeply engulfed in the daily numbers, the news, and the experts. We are hopefully doing our part by not “carrying the virus” or catching it, by staying at home, and using all the extreme hygiene measures recommended.

Our outer selves know the routine. Our inner selves…may not be as well tended to. The act of writing things down helps in two ways: it makes it “real,” and it can be cathartic, “getting it out of our heads.” It’s probably too soon to even be able to tap buried feelings beyond fear, anxiety, worry, and worse.

I propose (and am going to commit to this practice myself) taking a Daily Self Inventory. We can’t really know how to help ourselves until we know…where we are. For me, and maybe you too, I can’t isolate one feeling from the next. 

Disbelief is right up there at the top...along with profound anxiety...and a little excitement that my daffodils still bloom in the midst of this nightmare. Before the day takes its twists and turns, I will suggest that this practice be done in the morning, before you become clouded by what the day asks / demands of you.

We start with the vessel that is our earthly home: our body.

How is my body today?

  • Relaxed /  Tense
  • Rested / Fatigued / Exhausted
  • Well (How? Make a list)
  • Unwell (Make a list)
  • How would I like to feel better?
  • What measures can I control/take to make that happen? 

How is my brain working today?

  • Racing / Calm
  • Organized / Confused
  • Clear / Overwhelmed
  • How would I like it to work better?
  • What can I do to make that happen?

And last but very much NOT least:

What am I feeling?

  • Vulnerable / Confident
  • Helpless / Prepared
  • Afraid / Worried / Panic
  • Trusting / Suspicious

In a world that is spinning in ways that can feel out of control, it’s crucial to stay empowered...if even in small ways. We manage the hygiene of our bodies, what we breathe, and our environments. We control who we come in contact with and if we are working and required to be more fully engaged. To the best of our ability, we control our own exposure to a villain that we cannot see, weigh, or hold in our hands.

The reality of COVID-19 is around us in every possible platform. How we cope and maintain our inner selves will be the next big push coming at us from all sides: yoga, meditate, pray, drink alcohol, sleep, draw, write, medicate. We all want to come out as “whole” as possible on the other side of this horror. Paying attention to what’s going on “inside” as well as out, will serve us well. A very good, ROI.

Managing our attitude, outlook, anxiety, lifestyle, and family dynamics are layers of this very complicated onion. Washing down every grocery item from the market is taking getting used to, living in a “clean vs. contaminated” world, resisting any closeness beyond 6 feet, no embrace, no handshake, considering the exposure to every point of contact, WILL take its toll as the days roll into weeks, which roll into…months?

Consider a commitment to this practice of Self Inventory. It may feel awkward at first. Finding the words may be a challenge. It’s your list. You can be as graphic as you want!

We call it a brain dump, and sometimes, and it may feel like a heap. Get it out. Get it on paper and sort it out. It becomes easier and easier. Now that we are mastering hand washing and exposure prevention, this too may become an essential tool, for the tending of your inner self.