The Essex Council on Aging offers a variety of fantastic events and trips for seniors. For further information or to sign up for an event, please call the Essex COA Office at 978-768-7932 or visit the Senior Center at 17 Pickering Street.
Arts & Crafts activities: Tuesdays, 1 - 3 p.m. Computer & Technology Assistance, Wednesdays 1 - 3 p.m.: Do you have questions about your computer, tablet, phone, or other technological challenges? Drop in and see Curt or Bill for help.
Games with Gil at the Senior Center: Wednesdays 1 p.m.: ALL AGES WELCOME, come play BOARD games or Scrabble, Boggle, Cribbage, Backgammon, join us or bring a friend and come play ANYTIME!
COA Fitness Programs - $5 Donation Requested:
BALANCE IN MOTION: Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m.
GROOVE FITNESS VIDEO: Mondays, 9:30 a.m. – get your dancing shoes on and join this fun, energetic dance class! Video, no instructor.
FITNESS WITH GIL: Wednesdays, 10 a.m. – What better way to start your day than with Gil! Focus will be on building strength and stamina, along with stretching... energize yourself and leave feeling good and ready to face the day!!
CAPE ANN VIRTUAL SENIOR CENTER: Tune into channel 67 for a number of fitness programs sponsored by the Cape Ann Councils on Aging and the Friends of the Essex Council on Aging.
Walking Club: Want to get some exercise but concerned about winter road conditions? Enjoy the Gordon College Bennett Center indoor walking track for FREE! Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:30 -11:30 a.m. Please register by calling Hamilton-Wenham Recreation 978-468-2178. Transportation is available from CATA.
Grab and Go Meals, Mondays & Thursdays, 12 Noon (must be picked up by 12:30): Monday meals provided by Open Door, Thursday meals provided by Senior Care. Please register two business days in advance – 978-768-7932.
Mobile Market at the Essex Senior Center, Friday, February 2 and Friday, February 16, 10:30-11:30 a.m., On the first and third Fridays of each month the COA hosts a Mobile Market for Essex seniors. These markets are open to Essex seniors, regardless of income, and are sponsored by Acord Food Pantry and The Open Door. For more information or to register in advance, please contact Tess Leary at the Essex COA.
Essex Trash Bags - Tuesday, February 13, 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.: Discounted Trash Bags are available to Essex Residents aged 60 and older. Limit of one roll per household per month. Bags are sold on a first come, first serve basis. $7 Small bags, $15 Large bags.
Guest Chef: Friday, February 9, 11 a.m.: Join us as we welcome Dawn Burnham for a special Valentine’s edition of our monthly cooking demonstration! Samples and recipes will be available. Free to participants – advance registration is required.
Friendship Day – Tuesday, February 13, at 1 p.m.: Come celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends. Bingo, special activities and tasty treats. Bring a friend! RSVP 978-768-7932.
Men’s Coffee and Donuts: Second Wednesday of the month (February 14), 9:30 am.
Cape Ann Cinema and Pizza! – Thursday, February 15: Movie: “Perfect Storm.” The story of the Andrea Gail, starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. Movie and pizza start at 11 a.m.; CATA departs Memorial Park at 10:30 a.m. $4 round trip fare (pay CATA). Advance registration is required.
Ladies Brunch, Third Tuesday of the month, February 20, 11 a.m.: Come and enjoy socializing and some tasty treats. Please RSVP five days before. Sponsored by FECOA
Elder Law Assistance – Atty. Brian DesRosiers, Wednesday, February 21, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.: Brian is an Elder Law Specialist who will be at the Senior Center every 3rd Wednesday of the month to answer your questions. Appointments are preferred; drop-ins are welcome.
Mystery Ride – Wednesday, February 21: Join us for an adventure, a scenic ride, and a stop for a sweet treat! Please arrive at Memorial Park at 12:15 p.m. The van leaves at 12:30 p.m. Transportation provided by CATA - $4 round trip (pay CATA). Advance registration required so please call 978-768-7932 to register.
Remember When…Essex: Thursday, February 22, 1 p.m.: Please join us to talk and share stories about the people and places of Essex. We are excited to offer this special program and can’t wait to hear your reminiscences! Diane Polley will lead the group.
Monthly Book Club: Tuesday, February 27, 1 p.m.: Join us for lively discussion! “The Thread Collectors” by Alyson Richman and Shaunna J. Edwards. On Tuesday, March 26, 1 p.m.: “Horse” by Geraldine Brooks. Through the generosity of the Friends, multiple copies of each title are available to borrow! New members are always welcome!
Bowling – Knock ‘em down, spin ‘em around! Wednesday, February 28, 11 a.m.: Cape Ann Lanes: Shoe rental is $3.50 per person. Transportation available via CATA, $4 roundtrip fare – departs Memorial Park at 10:45 a.m. Let us know you’re coming – and let’s go bowling!
Bonus Day Celebration! Thursday, February 29, at 1 p.m.: Leap Year only comes every four years, so we’re leaping into action and celebrating!
1 p.m. Extra Special Ice Cream Sundae Bar
2 p.m. Viewing of the movie: “Leap Year”
This event is FREE. Please call the COA to register in advance: 978-768-7932
ESSEX EATS! – Returning March 2024: Stay tuned for more details on this in a future edition.