What Was Happening |Oct 14



90 Years Ago – 1932

One mile of the new power cable being laid to Gravelly Pond station has been laid and covered in and about a mile and a half remains to be laid.

The “Pep” supper of last week proved quite a financial success as well as socially as the Youth Aid Committee announce that the net proceeds amounted to $96.53 which amount has been turned over to the Story High School Athletic Association.

75 Years Ago – 1947

Story’s six-man football team rolled up another victory on their home sod Saturday when they defeated Wrentham high of the South Shore, 20-6, in the season’s opener, to keep their eight-year record of no defeats on Manchester ground intact.

At a meeting held by the Older Girl Scouts on Thursday, September 25, the following officers were elected:  Priscilla Day, president;   Judy Babcock, vice-president;  Virginia Putnam, secretary-treasurer.

60 Years Ago – 1962

Clifton L. Burke, chairman of the Study on Elderly Housing in Manchester committee, has reported to the Board of Selectman that to date there have been 40 formal inquiries and many more informal inquires received.  Also, that he recently discussed the Manchester situation on Elderly Housing with State authorities and was advised by them that from all indications there are sufficient people in Manchester who will request admission to this type of housing.

The sustained rain of last weekend caused considerable damage and much flooding particularly in the Walker Road section of Manchester.  The seriousness of the situation caused the Board of Selectman to declare a state of emergency Sunday afternoon, thus giving the town department heads greater power to use in employing equipment and manpower.

45 Years Ago – 1977

Teresa Doucette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doucette of Knight Circle, Manchester will be appearing in a production of Arthur Schnitler’s play, La Ronde, scheduled to open on November 15 at the Martinque Theatre on Broadway.  She will be playing the leading role of “the young wife”.

Manchester now holds an unchallenged first place in the Mayflower League as the only undefeated team.  Manchester won its fourth game (3rd league) Saturday defeating West Bridgewater by a score of 43-14.

30 Years Ago – 1992

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) has approved a $45.6 million or 3.5 percent rate increase for Massachusetts Electric Company to recover the increased costs of providing electricity to its customers.  The rate increase, which is effective October 1 will add about $3.50 to the monthly bill.

State law now prohibits the disposal of leaves with the regular trash in landfills and incinerators.  Therefore, Manchester leaves must be disposed of by mulching (letting them rot on the ground) or by composting in a pile.  Next year the incineration of brush and other yard wastes along with regular trash will be banned.

15 Years Ago – 2007

On Monday, October 1, the JV Hornets Field Hockey team started week 5 by traveling to Pentucket and won again 2-0.  Both goals were scored in the first half.  Goals were scored by Katie Gavin and Lizzie Ball.  Player of the game was Vicki Grimes who played a fantastic game in goal.

Faith Emerson of Manchester, has been elected to the North Shore United Board of Directors as one of four new members.  Ms. Emerson has served for 10 years on the North Shore United Way’s allocations committee, which awards grants for critical community services.
