August 22 will be the date for the Playground picnic at Tuck’s Point. In the event of rain, the picnic will be held on August 24. The program will consist of a baseball game, checker matches, quoits matches and novelty races.
The Manchester Board of Assessors announced on Wednesday the new tax rate of Manchester for this year, which will be $20.80 on a thousand, an increase of $2.10 over last year. In keeping with the times and the way tax rates of other cities and towns all about us have been soaring higher and higher, Manchester still has a very favorable rate.
A most fascinating collection of old dolls has been gathered by the curator of the Historical House, Mrs. William Fraser, and are on exhibition at the Historical House.
Work is progressing satisfactorily on the Fire Station and current plans foresee the engines back in their berths in about two weeks. J.J. Flately, who is doing the work, has installed all the structural steel including the lally columns and commenced Thursday installing the floor joists.
Patrolman Felix Radack drove Mrs. William MacEachern of 117 Pine Street and her 6-year-old son to the Beverly Hospital after the youngster was stung by a swarm of bees. Mrs. MacEachern stopped at the station of 9 a.m. to ask for help in driving her car while she administered to her son.
An enthusiastic group of 135 playground youngsters journeyed to Fenway Park Tuesday and watched the Red Sox falter in the ninth inning, as the Los Angeles Angels came up with three big runs to defeat the Sox 3-1.
The ocean waters lately have been covered with a film of marine organisms. Last week, on-shore winds pushed this material onto the shores where it formed a brown, offensive scum. Sunday evening, the Board of Health advised that it was unwise to swim until the waters cleared, which they did on Tuesday morning.
Troop 3 held its summer paper drive on Saturday, July 30. Three containers of paper or approximately 20 tons of paper were collected. This kept quite a few cubic feet of paper from burial at the town dump.
On Sunday, July 26, 14 boy scouts from Troop #3 arrived midmorning at the scout house prepared for a great week at summer camp in Raymond, NH. Camp Onway has been the site for the past two summers of troop camping.
Dorothy Hutchinson Jodice was recently appointed by Bernard Cardinal Law to the position of Cabinet Secretary for Education for the Archdiocese of Boston. As Secretary of Education, Ms. Jodice is responsible for all Catholic School, Religious Education and Campus Ministry programs.
Margaret Hardwick Flynn always walked during her lunch hours with her co-workers. On one of these walks a friend happened to mention the Susan G. Kamen 3 Day Walk and Margaret was hooked. “I’m going to do it for my mom,” she exclaimed. Margaret’s mother, Manchester resident, Carol Hardwick, is a breast cancer survivor.
On Saturday, August 4, members of the Manchester Coastal Stream Team gathered for the annual removal of invasive purple loosestrife from the margins of Dexter Pond. We are happy to report that possibly due to previous years efforts, there was less of this weed than ever before.