What Was Happening | Aug 19


90 Years Ago – 1932

Axel Magnuson, Jr., New York violinist, who is at present summering with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Magnuson of Lincoln Street, gave a recital of music for the violin in the Town Hall last Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Friendship Circle of the Baptist Church.

Supt. George R. Dean of the Highway Department has a gang of men at work resurfacing Desmond Avenue.  He also has men at work repairing the various fences about town.

75 Years Ago – 1947

A pall was cast over this unusually happy community on Monday afternoon last when the sad intelligence of the passing of George Robert Dean, a public servant for 26 years, 17 of which he served most capably as Police Chief, reached the citizens, he having passed away at his home on Bridge Street.

An announcement received today from the Salem Recruiting station revealed that Alfred F. Nataloni, son of Anthony and Daria Nataloni of Bridge Steet, having passed the necessary mental and physical qualifications was accepted by the U.S. Air Forces for a period of three years.

60 Years Ago – 1962

Plans drawn by Richard Carlin engineer, showing the proposed parking space of 11,700 feet which is owned by the Singing Beach Club was studied this week by the Board of Selectman.  The Selectman have discussed the acquisition of a portion of this land by the Town for the Singing Beach parking area.

The nominating committee of Amaral-Bailey Post #113 The American Legion, has nominated William F. Haverty of Rosedale Avenue as Commander of the local post.

45 Years Ago – 1977

Residents of Manchester were stunned on Friday morning to learn of the untimely death of Bob Horvath, young popular teacher-coach of Manchester Jr. Sr. High School.  The 28-year-old Horvath was the apparent victim of an electrical accident at his Marblehead home.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded Manchester, Massachusetts $408,158 for the construction of water pollution control facilities in the Pine Street, Walker Road area.  The funds will be used for the construction of approximately 8,900 feet of lateral and replacement sewers to serve the developed portions of the Town.

30 Years Ago – 1992

Josh Crosby and seven of his teammates rowed to a gold medal at the Junior World Rowing Championships in Montreal, Canada last weekend, beating out teams from 48 other countries.

Manchester-by-the-Sea schools will likely be receiving $71,600 in additional state funding this year according to State representative Bruce Tarr.  Although the town must meet a “maintenance of effort” requirement, Tarr believes Manchester’s current level of educational spending should be sufficient to meet that requirement.

15 Years Ago – 2007

Steven Kenney, the present DPW Director in Hamilton has agreed to become the next DPW Director in the Town of Manchester.  Kenney was selected from among 22 applicants.

The Masconomo Park Concert on August 21st at 6 p.m. will feature the North Shore Concert Band under the direction of David Benjamin.  The North Shore Concert Band is a 35-year-old organization which performs full length concerts throughout the North Shore.