Senior Highlights | July 14


There’s a lot set to happen with the Council on Aging (COA) in the coming weeks.  Check them out here, and for on any of these great trips or to reserve your seat on the van, please call 978-526-7500.

Pizzi Farm

On Friday, July 14, the Manchester COA is offering a trip to Pizzi Farm in Waltham, MA.  This market, deli, and ice cream shoppe is a landmark in Waltham and offers delicious ice cream treats as well as sandwiches and prepared items to bring home.  The van will start picking up seniors around 10:30 a.m.  Return is expected around 2 p.m.

The Village Restaurant for Lunch

On Friday July 21, the Manchester COA is offering a trip to The Village Restaurant in Essex.  The Village is well known for their award-winning fresh seafood as well as delicious chicken and beef dishes.  The van will start picking up seniors around 11 a.m.



Mark Your Calendar! Summer Cookout for Manchester

Senior Citizens

Manchester senior citizens are invited to attend a cookout sponsored in part by the Friends of the Manchester COA on Tuesday, July 25 at Tuck’s Point.  The menu will include steak tips, chicken kebobs, summer salads, beverage, and dessert.  Lunch will be served at 12 noon and the cost per Manchester senior citizen is $12.

Reservations and prepayment are necessary by July 20.  As always, the C.O.A. van is available for transportation.

Mystery Ride

On Wednesday, July 26, the Manchester COA van will take our monthly mystery ride.  The van driver heads for an undisclosed establishment somewhere on the North Shore; it could be ice cream, pastries, sandwiches, or all of the above and only the van driver knows!  A little hint will be given, so all can be prepared!  Pick-up will begin at 12 noon and return will be by 2 p.m.

COA to Walmart

On Friday, July 28, the Manchester COA van will be going to Walmart in Danvers.  The van will start picking up seniors around 10 a.m.

council on aging, manchester, beverage, driver, walmart, massachusetts, van driver, village restaurant, transportation, waltham