There’s a lot set to happen with the Council on Aging (COA) in the coming weeks. Check them out here, and for further information on any of these great trips or to reserve your seat on the van, please call 978-526-7500.
Friday, April 29, it’s off to Danvers and Trader Joe’s, Burlington Coat Factory, and T.J. Maxx shopping area, as well as Walmart. The van will start picking up seniors around 10 a.m. For further information or to reserve your seat on the van, please call the COA. Masks are required.
On Friday, April 29, the Manchester Council on Aging is pleased to offer a trip to the Addison Gallery of American Art at Phillips Academy in Andover. The Addison’s collection of American Art is one of the most comprehensive in the world, including more than 17,000 objects spanning the 18th Century to the present. On view now is “Georgia O’Keeffe, Photographer,” the first exhibition devoted to O’Keeffe’s work as a photographer. Nearly 100 photographs from a newly examined archive reveal the American icon’s modernist approach to the medium. Complementing the photographs are paintings and drawings to represent the full scope of her career. Admission is free. The van will start picking up seniors at 10 a.m. Return is expected around 1 p.m.
This year, the challenge is open to everyone aged 5 and up in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Walk with your family or friends, or on your own! The challenge runs from May 1 to October 31. In that time, as you complete the challenge, you are entered into a drawing for a gift card. For each person who completes their challenge, your Council on Aging gets an entry to win up to $1000 for use with fitness programming. Go to and register. Then choose a challenge based on a Commonwealth of Massachusetts fun fact. Then, enter your walking on the same website between May 1 and October 31. The Rockport Council on Aging is hosting the regional kick-off to the challenge 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 4, rain or shine, stepping off from Rockport’s Back Beach and bandstand. Enjoy scenic walks of varying distances. Additionally, there will be educational and information booths. A boxed picnic lunch will be served for the first 100 registered participants. For further information or to sign up, please call the C.O.A. office at (978)526-7500. Transportation will be provided.
On Friday, May 6, the COA van will be going to the Christmas Tree Shops. The van will start picking up seniors around 10 a.m., returning around 12:30 p.m. More information and van seat reservations, call the COA office.
On Wednesday, May 11, it’s off to the Seaport Grille in Gloucester for lunch. The Seaport Grille offers a variety of local seafood, prime meats and the best view of Gloucester’s authentic working waterfront in America’s original seaport. COA van starts picking up seniors at 11 a.m. For reservations and info, call COA office.
Don’t let the date put you off. On Friday, May 13, the Manchester COA van will be going to the Peabody and Danvers malls. Seniors can pick between the North Shore Mall or Liberty Tree Mall. The van will start picking up at 10 a.m. Call the COA to get your slot on the van.
On Wednesday, May 18, the Manchester Council on Aging van will take our monthly mystery ride. The van driver heads for an undisclosed establishment somewhere on the North Shore; it could be ice cream, pastries, sandwiches or all of the above and only the van driver knows! A little hint will be given, so all can be prepared! Pick-up will begin at 12 p.m. and return will be by 2 p.m. Call the COA office for more info or to book a reservation.
On Friday, May 20, it’s off to Walmart in Danvers. The COA van will start pick up at 10 a.m. For further information or to reserve your seat on the van, please call the COA.
The Manchester Council on Aging is offering a Chowder and Finger Roll Luncheon on Tuesday, May 24 at the Congregational Chapel at 12:15 p.m. Catered by the Causeway Restaurant in Gloucester, come and enjoy delicious fish chowder, clam chowder, assorted finger rolls, chips, pickles, dessert, and beverage. (Wow.) The cost of this luncheon is $10 per person and is open to the first 40 who sign up. Reservations and prepayment are necessary by May 19. Transportation will be available. Contact the COA for more information or to register.