Coffee & Connections in Manchester


Every Monday (except public holidays), between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, Manchester seniors have been getting together at the “Chapel” (behind the Santander Bank) for Coffee and Connections.

This weekly social is hosted by The Friends of the Manchester Council on Aging, a volunteer group that supports the activities and services provided by the Council on Aging.  The Friends identified a real need for casual fellowship among town seniors.  The group also wanted to raise awareness of the existence and purpose of The Friends.

It’s become a great group since it was started in September.  There are currently between 15 and 20 regulars, and the group wants to welcome any senior who would like a little company, a place to meet old friends and new.  Or just sit and talk, or maybe play a little cribbage, scrabble, or a board game.  Whatever feels right on that day.

Without a senior center in town, The Friends said, this type of casual socializing opportunity for seniors has been sadly lacking in Manchester.  It’s an obligation free, no cost activity with friendly people.  (Nothing wrong with that.)

Come on in any Monday.  All are welcome.  And if a ride is needed, the COA van is available for anyone by request.  More information at v.m. or (978) 902-4893.

old age, santander bank, activities and services, manchester council on aging, volunteer, friends of council on aging