Paul Clark Awarded and MacDougal Gets the Golden Cane


At last weekend’s 142nd Annual Elder Brethren luncheon (also known as the “Old Man’s Picnic”) at Tuck’s Point, Paul Clark received the Slade Eaton Award for longstanding community service to the town and the organization.  Congratulations Paul.

In a tradition going back decades, the Boston Post Cane has been awarded to the eldest of the Elder Brethren at the 142nd Annual Elder Brethren luncheon (also known as the “Old Man’s Picnic”) at Tuck’s Point.  This year’s recipient was Gordon MacDougal, registering in at a spry 96 years old. Also, the Manchester Cricket’s own Paul Clark received the Slade Eaton Award for community service to the town and the organization.  Congratulations to Gordon and Paul!

By the numbers, there were six attendees in their fifties, 21 in their sixties, 11 in their seventies, three in their eighties, and three in their nineties. The two other nonagenarians this year, Bill Canty (94) and Russ Aldrich (92), are the second and third oldest, respectively. The youngest attendee was Sean Daly at exactly 50 years old, and the longest travelled was Mike Conlon from West Roxbury, MA. 

macdougal, cane, paul clark, gordon macdougal, elder brethren, old man's picnic, tucks point, slade eaton award, boston post cane