Aberdeen Home Care Celebrates Home Care and Hospice Month


Each November the home care and hospice community honors the millions of nurses, home care aides, therapists, and social workers who make a remarkable difference for the patients and families they serve. These heroic caregivers play a central role in the health care system and in homes across the nation. Aberdeen Home Care of Danvers celebrates its staff, especially “Agency Champion Suzanne Crossen, a resident of Manchester.  

Joanne MacInnis RN, Aberdeen’s President and CEO, congratulates Suzanne on this honor, “Suzanne, a skilled and dedicated professional, is behind the scenes at Aberdeen keeping track of every dollar. The devil may be in the details but thankfully, Suzanne brings heavenly accuracy to this aspect of Aberdeen. This year more than EVER...know that you are deeply valued and appreciated for your outstanding work.” 

health care, hospice, caregiver, joanne macinnis rn, suzanne crossen, coastal hospice & palliative care