What Was Happening in Manchester | June 10


 90 Years Ago – 1932

Rarely has the Manchester stage seen so fine a performance as that put on last Friday evening in Town Hall by the pupils of the G.A. Priest school in their presentation of the operetta “The Blue Belt,” a rustic tale of fairy life in Norway, before an audience that filled every seat.

The warm wave the first of the week was of short duration the mercury suddenly dropping Tuesday and Wednesday morning was dangerously near the frost line.

75 Years Ago – 1947

Graduation exercises of the class of 1947, Story High School, were held Wednesday evening at Town Hall, many relatives and friends of the graduates gathering to honor them on their night.  The exercises were of high merit, all of the parts being well prepared and exceedingly well delivered.  Nineteen students graduated.

Story High’s graduating class held their Class Day at the United Shoe Country Club, Beverly.  A day of sports, banquet and reading of the class will, prophecy and history rounded out a complete day.  Principal and Mrs. Kimball, Miss Mack and Miss Grady accompanied the class.


60 Years Ago – 1962

The Manchester Hornets wrapped up their third straight Cape League Title on Thursday of last week as the Hylandsmen walloped Georgetown 15-1.  The win gave the Hornets a 12 to 1 record.

Ernie’s Barber Shop, Ernie Saco proprietor, has moved from 12 Beach Street to 25 Beach Street, next door to the Post Office.  It was just a short hop for Ernie and his son Frank who is associated with him in the business.


45 Years Ago – 1977

One hundred and eight seniors were awarded their diplomas last Friday evening at very impressive graduation exercises held in the John D. Kelleher Memorial Gymnasium of Manchester Junior-Senior High School.  One of the highlights of the evening was the awarding of $14,750 in scholarships, the greatest amount ever given out.

The Police Department has received several complaints recently, in regard to the use of skateboards.  Chief Radack warns that the youngsters are flirting with danger by skateboarding on the streets.  There have been two very narrow escapes in the Magnolia, Summer Street area.  Also, the Chief says that there is to be no skateboarding around Town Hall.


30 Years Ago – 1992

Led by junior Johanna Sones, the Manchester Jr.-Sr. High School girls tennis team smashed every other team they played this year and brought home the Cape Ann League Tennis Championship.  For the 16-year-old Johanna, the number one singles player on the team, it was a personal high as she took out Lynnfield’s Alex Alton in what was called, by both schools, the biggest match of the season and the school’s history.

Joshua David Crosby, of Manchester, has been selected by the Student Conservation Association (SCA) as a member of a volunteer conservation crew in Beaverhead National Forest this summer.  This volunteer crew, under the supervision of a trained SCA leader, will construct a three- mile section of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail.

15 Years Ago – 2007

Last Friday, the body of an adult 45’ female Sei Whale washed ashore on Lobster Cove at Smith’s Point.  It was found to be the same whale that had been sited floating in Boston Harbor.  A spokesman from the New England Aquarium said initial tissue samples were taken for examination to try and determine a cause of death.  He added the whale was marked but there wasn’t a large enough boat available at that point to carry the remains out to sea.  It was surmised the current and heavy seas from last week’s storm carried the whale to Manchester.

Sara Willwerth-Dyer who grew up in Manchester-by-the-Sea and currently resides in Essex, MA, was named partner at Anthony & Dodge, P.C. effective January 2007.  The firm is comprised of Certified Public Accountants and is located in Hamilton, MA.

manchester, beaverhead national forest, new england aquarium, post office, manchester junior-senior high school