90 Years Ago – 1932
The beam trawler “Dorchester” loaded with fish, stranded on Singing Beach Friday morning during a heavy fog. Word was sent to the Coast Guard Station at Dolivers Neck for aid and the 75-foot patrol boat 154 was sent to her aid and succeeded in pulling her off into deep water and she was able to proceed undamaged.
There was a sudden fall in fruit last Friday when a truck got beyond the control of the driver and backed down the hill on the Easterly side of Crafts Hill, coming to a sudden stop against a tree at the junction of Ocean and Summer Streets. Fortunately, there was no traffic in its way and the principal damage was the sudden and generous distribution of bananas on the street.
A tragic ending resulted at the otherwise enjoyable Manchester Club picnic of last Saturday when Austin Morley, Pleasant Street, suffered a broken leg as a result of a collision on the softball field. He and Jackie Lee were chasing a fly ball during the twilight game when the accident occurred.
Pat Noonan, local lobster fisherman, was more than surprised when he found a 553-pound tuna tangled in the line of one of his lobster pots off Gales Point, Sunday evening. Noonan towed the fish to the Manchester Marine Railway yards where he procured help to take the large tuna out of the water. He took the fish to Gloucester where it was dressed.
The Board of Selectman Tuesday evening extended the temporary license to operate a stable issued to Mrs. Geraldine Peters, proprietor of the Silver Star Stables on upper School Street.
Mrs. Doris H. Connors, librarian at the Public Library, reported to police at 7:38 p.m. Monday that a bicycle was hanging from a tree in front of the library, presumably put there by a group of youngsters. Owner George Monez of the Brookwood School retrieved the bicycle.
The recently published revaluation of all properties in the town in last week’s “Cricket” sent several taxpayers to Town Hall to inquire as to why they were assessed as they were. Many houses were assessed for more than what they had been last year. Thus, their taxes will increase some more than others.
Foster H. Ball, Superintendent of Schools, reported today that the opening day enrollment in the Manchester Public Schools decreased from the October 1, 1976 census figure of 1242 pupils to 1187 pupils. This is a decrease of 55 students.
The Planning Board expects a full schedule for the fall. Of major importance to the town is the proposed subdivision of the last large tract of privately-owned land in Manchester by Pygmalion Partners. This parcel is located on the westerly side of Pine Street and abuts Crooked Lane, Walker Road, Forester Road, Jersey Lane, Highwood Road, Highland Avenue, Running Ridge Road and Route 128. It encompasses a total of 108 acres and includes significant wetlands, rocky outcroppings, wildlife and passive recreational areas.
The Manchester Community Center announces that the competition for the Chowder Festival scheduled for Sunday, October 17, 1992 is heating up. In addition to the chowder competition, the festival will include children’s games, boat rides, a hot air balloon demonstration, live-music, pie baking contest and lots of chowder.
The contractor for the turf field at Brook St., has advised us that they anticipate delivery of the turf on Thursday, September 13. Accordingly, the School Building Committee requested an extension of the permissible working hours on the site in order to expedite installation. The Planning Board approved an extension of work hours for a period of 3 weeks beginning September 13.
The Manchester Council on Aging is starting a Cell Phone Recovery Program. The donations of old cell phones can help provide services for seniors, such as Meals on Wheels, caregiving support, health promotion activities and life-long learning. The donations of old cell phones will not only help the seniors it will help the environment.