What Was Happening October 29, 2021



90 Years Ago – 1931

William A. Tucker, for many years one of Manchester’s prominent summer residents, died at his home in New York City at the age of 81.

75 Years Ago – 1946

At impressive ceremonies held at Legion Hall, Alfred Doane was installed as Commander of Amaral-Bailey Post No. 112.

Mr. Frederick J. Soule, Director of the Norfolk House Centre, Roxbury, gave an interesting address before a large gathering of the Harmony Guild on Monday evening.

60 Years Ago – 1961

First Lieutenant Charles S. Gorton, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.S. Gorton of 21 Vine Street, has been selected and accepted for pilot, the training program at Webb Air Force Base, Texas.

Mrs. Hope Daniels of 70 School Street, Professor of Education at Northeastern University, has been chosen to do a series of three-minute capsule radio talks over stations in Springfield, Lynn and Buffalo, New York.

45 Years Ago – 1976

Mrs. Helen Spaulding was elected the first women president of United Community Planning Corporation (UCPC), the citizen-led, non- profit human services and planning and research organization for 67 Mass. Bay area cities and towns at its annual meeting.

30 Year Ago – 1991

Warren W. Houghton, 68, died Sunday at his home following a long illness.  Mr. Houghton was a resident of Manchester for the past 39 years.  Mr. Houghton was a graduate of MIT in 1949 and also graduated from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff college.  He was a veteran of WWII and served in Europe and the Philippines.

15 Years Ago – 2006

The Manchester Essex Debate team won three of the five divisions of debate offered at the Massachusetts Forensic Leagues Hall of Fame Tournament.  Twenty-six students competed at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School against other debaters from Massachusetts.

Manchester Girl Scout Troop 319, led by Carol Mastendino, recently participated in a sand castle building contest at Wingaersheek Beach.  Their entry was a haunted mansion complete with a graveyard, a moat and rubber ducky accents.