90 Years Ago – 1931
Editor Isaac M. Marshall wrote an interesting account of a visit in Tybee, Ga, while “tripping” through Georgia with the National Editorial Association.
Dr. Waldo H. Tyler resident physician of Manchester for many years, died at his home on School St., in his 74th year.
75 Years Ago – 1946
Conomo Tribe of Red Men are moving from their wigwam in Odd Fellows Hall to a new wigwam in G.A.R. Memorial Hall on Brook Street.
More than 250 people visited Manchester as guests of the First Baptist Church for the 119th annual session of the Salem Baptist Association.
60 Years Ago – 1961
Work on the foundation of the new home for the Amaral-Bailey Post, American Legion, was commenced on Monday.
Two Salem youths were held on $40,000 bail each, after being charged with the Saturday morning assault and kidnapping of Harold Jensen, 22 of Maple Ave.
45 Years Ago – 1976
William Hatcher of Manchester was elected Treasurer of the North Shore Horticultural Society at the annual meeting of that group.
The Manchester Hornets won their third game of the season over a small Provincetown team last Saturday by a 50-22 margin.
30 Years Ago – 1991
The Second Annual Manchester Community Center Chowder Festival was a smashing success. The sound of music, smells of chowder and children’s laughter attracted 1,000 to the center last Saturday.
The annual boy scout Troop #3 camp-out at Cedar Point, Crane’s Beach in Ipswich proved to be a fun learning experience for the 24 scouts who attended all or part of the weekend.
15 Years Ago – 2006
The media production crew from Mullen Advertising couldn’t have selected a better place to do a commercial shoot than Singing Beach on Saturday. The shoot is part of a campaign to promote the Massachusetts Tourism Council.
The members of the Board of Selectman would like to congratulate and thank the personnel from many Town departments for their response to the crash landing of the Hood blimp on Tuesday, September 26, 2006.