90 Years Ago – 1931
Several Flocks of wild geese have been observed winging their way southward during the week, one immense flock Tuesday night flying very low, evidently on the point of exhaustion. These harbingers of cold weather tell us that our season of summer weather will be short.
On Saturday, last the Board of Selectman in conjunction with the Board of Selectman of Essex, perambulated the bounds between the two towns, being accompanied on the trip by Manuel S. Migel the Forest Fire Warden in order that he might familiarize himself with the boundaries in case of forest fires.
75 Years Ago – 1946
Thomas A. Lees, Chairman of the School Committee reporting on the fuel situation in our school buildings says that the supply at both the Priest and Price schools will carry until about the first of the year. The High School supply will possibly carry into February. If, however, the coal strike is not settled by the first of the year conditions will be perilous not only in schools but homes and otherwise.
Over 160 were present Thursday evening of last week to enjoy a fellowship supper sponsored by the Congregational Church to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the American Missionary Association. The program and supper were in charge of Mrs. Charles Dodge.
60 Years Ago – 1961
A driving northeast storm greeted by falling temperatures in New England and the result was the first snowstorm of the season, the earliest we have had in a few years. About 3-4 inches of snow was dumped in the Manchester area.
Approximately 20 members of the Girl Scouts of Manchester planted some 200 yellow tulip bulbs last Saturday afternoon at three different locations, the Police Station and Common, the Boy Scout House and the Memorial Elementary School.
45 Years Ago – 1976
A first is coming to Manchester – Men’s Night on December 9, sponsored by the area shops and boutiques. Solve all your gift problems in one evening with inspired assistance from attentive saleswoman. Browse and buy from 6-9 p.m., raise flagging spirits with a glass of “good cheer” and finish the evening with a completed list of Christmas presents.
Mr. George O’Hare, public relations man for the Bell System in this area was the guest speaker at the November meeting of the Manchester Club held on Thursday of last week in the Legion Home. Over 100 members and guests were in attendance.
30 Years Ago-1991
The Manchester Division of the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Christmas party on Wednesday, December 4, at Seven Central from 5-7 p.m. All members and friends of the Chamber are cordially invited to attend.
The Senior High School Student Council raised $350 to benefit the Manchester Fund to Prevent Homelessness at a Talent show held at the high school on Friday evening, November 15. Approximately 150 people enjoyed the music of two student bands and numerous individual and group acts.
15 Years Ago – 2006
The Memorial school was hopping on Thursday, November 9 as 350 people enjoyed an excellent pasta supper and entertainment in the school’s cafeteria and gymnasium. This PTO event is held annually to support a discretionary fund for Principal, Dr. Jack Mara. This fund will enable him to provide “extras” that make the difference in a positive school environment – whether it’s flowers to show a teacher that extra effort is appreciated, the ability to replace and update equipment, or to reward students for their hard work with a pizza day.
The Harbor Advisory Committee, after much discussion and deliberation, voted unanimously to oppose the proposal to locate as many as four giant buoys in North Shore waters to enable tankers to off-load liquid natural gas (LNG) which would then be piped underwater to distribution facilities ashore. A section of the proposed seabed pipeline would run through Manchester waters thus giving the town standing with the issue.