90 Years Ago – 1932
The fire department was called to handle a bad chimney fire at the Stone Mill on Elm Street Monday evening. It was quite a stubborn blaze and required considerable effort on the part of the department to subdue it which was finally accomplished with not damage.
75 Years Ago – 1947
Mrs. Helen Cool, Manchester’s Visiting Nurse, is in the great need of pieces of sheeting, linen or any soft white cloth.
Chairman John J. Eaton of the local Red Cros is happy to announce that the quota set for Manchester of $2600.oo has been reached and slightly exceeded to date.
60 Years Ago – 1962
We are pleased to report that the fame of your newspaper, The Manchester Cricket, is spreading, the New Yorker magazine being the most recent publication to make a comment on an item appearing in our columns. They too like the Boston Herald used the item relative to the theft of the sweaters from a local dog.
Eddie Burgess returned to action with the Men’s Bowling League this week and made his presence felt as he set a new, all-time high with a triple of 393.
45 Years Ago – 1977
With little over a week to go, April 14 being the deadline for submitting nomination papers to the Board of Registrars, apathy has reared its head in Manchester, with several offices remaining open with no candidates.
Police recovered a motorcycle stolen from Gloucester on Thursday and have charged a teenage youth with using the vehicle without authority.
30 Years Ago – 1992
In the last five days Manchester has been blanketed with 15 inches of snow. Saturday’s storm took everyone by surprise. It began around 9:45 a.m. as light snow and by the time it reached its peak, an hour or so later, it was dropping between 4” and 5” an hour. At one point, he writer, who was having breakfast at Beach St. Café, looked out at the railroad crossing and could not see the crossing gates. It was a complete white-out!
In these financially difficult times, it may come as a surprise to you, but the excise taxes and fees collected for the Town’s harbor related activities not only cover all harbor related expenses, but they generate a surplus that goes into the General Fund.
15 Years Ago – 2007
The Manchester-Essex DECA team had phenomenal success at the 48th annual Massachusetts Career Development Conference with 14 Manchester-Essex students qualifying to attend the International Career Development Conference (ICDC).
Voters at Town meeting on Monday, April 4 will have an opportunity to help preserve Manchester’s most historic building – the First Parish Church built on what is now Town Common land in 1809 during President Thomas Jefferson’s second term.