90 Years Ago – 1932
One of the strangest and most complicated cases the local police have had to deal with for quite some time was that which came to their notice at 12:20 Friday morning when the telephone rang at the police station with an announcement from Chester Ward, Jr. of Magnolia saying that someone had stolen a car belonging to his mother, from her garage and made off with it in the direction of Manchester, also stating that the man taking it had the appearance of being under the influence of liquor.
Last Sunday was a most disagreeable day bringing the lowest temperature of the winter some glasses about town going to 10 above zero and a brisk wind added to the uncomfortable conditions. There was skating again on Central Pond and despite the cold traffic was quite heavy throughout the day.
75 Years Ago – 1947
The local Committee on State Extension are organizing classes in Short Cuts and Spread Tricks, this covers garment finishes, new ways of making pockets, edge finishes, collars etc. Anyone interested in taking such a course, which consists of four lessons, are asked to get in touch immediately with Mrs. Mary R. Floyd.
John P. Demarkis, a partner at the Seaside Café, matriculated Monday, March 3, at the Fannie Farmer, School of Cookery, Boston. He is taking an eight-week, extensive course in restaurant management.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Members attending the March meeting of the Manchester Historical Society were highly entertained Wednesday evening when William Jermain Dooley, head of the Division of Education of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, spoke to them and showed color slides on the subject “Color and Light in Early New England Homes.”
The City of Gloucester it is unofficially reported, is seeking an additional source of water and is looking into the possibility of wells in the Cedar Swamp area off School Street.
45 Years Ago – 1977
At the Girl Scout observance, held last Sunday in Sacred Heart Church, a special feature was the presentation of the First Class Badge (Eagle Scout) to Donna Greenleaf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greenleaf of Ocean Street.
A cottage in Cathedral Pines belonging to Ed Jasiak of Union Street was ransacked and burglarized over the weekend. Jasiak reported the theft Sunday morning, of a cast iron stove, two wicker chairs, a wicker sofa, another chair and some miscellaneous articles. An investigation is continuing.
30 Years Ago – 1992
Manchester voters did slightly better in turning out at the polls than the predicated state turnout as 39 percent cast ballots. It was predicted that only 33 percent of the state’s voters would go to the polls.
On Saturday, March 7, the Manchester High School Debate Team attended the Massachusetts Forensic League State Debate Tournament, held at Wellesly High School. The novice team won first place, and Katie Goutal was honored as the top novice speaker in Massachusetts.
15 Years Ago – 2007
On April 16, runners Cathy Pallin, Mike Garvey and Luc Levonsohn from Manchester, will be running the 111th Boston Marathon to save lives through the 18th annual Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge.