What Was Happening | June 2



90 Years Ago – 1933

The observance of Memorial Day began this year as usual on Memorial Sunday with a Union Service at the Baptist Church and proved a delightful day, the sun breaking through the clouds that earlier promised rain and it remained quite cool throughout the day, but with plenty of warm sunshine.

Pitching one of the best games of his long athletic career at Story high, Tom Lees held Acton High to five hits at the Brook Street playground, Memorial Day afternoon, while his teammates pushed over four runs for a well-earned victory.

75 Years Ago – 1948

Finding of the Dread Dutch Elm Disease in Manchester is reported this week by officials of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation in a report to Manchester’s Tree Warden, Mark Edgecomb.  According to the report a tree on the Paine estate, Coolidge Point, is the victim.

Police officers Connors and Lear apprehended three Beverly boys Monday afternoon, after it had been reported to the station that they had broken a light globe on Bridge Street.  They were taken to the station, reprimanded, made to pay their damages, and released.

60 Years Ago -1963

Judge Edward Morley, Town Counsel, has advised the Selectman that there is nothing in the Conflict-of-Interest Law, which went into effect in May, that prevents Charles Atwater, of Pine Street, who conducts a trucking business, from doing business with the Town as his son Robert Atwater, a highway department employee, has no connection with his father’s business.

The annual picnic of Pack No. 30 of the Cub Scouts will be held this Saturday, June 8 at Tuck’s Point.  All Cub Scouts should plan to be there at 9:30 a.m. and wear play clothes.  There will be games and prizes for all.  Swimming will NOT be permitted.

45 Years Ago – 1978

At the annual catered luncheon by The Coffee Cup held in Sacred Heart Parish Hall on May 27 Saturday, 96 members of The Golden Age Club of Manchester plus E. Ray Kelley, founder of the club 15 years ago, sat down to festive tables to enjoy a delicious pot roast lunch with all the fixings.

The Selectman will seek the advice of Town Counsel, Francis Flatley regarding a written complaint from Mrs. Dorothy Stanley of damage to her property at 44 Pine St., caused by heavy blasting at the Nearby Deer Hill project.

30 Years Ago – 1993

Construction is about to begin on the revised approach walk at the Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library.  The walk which will start at the wall will be a gradual upgrade to the porch which will be raised to meet the door.  This will provide handicapped access to the library as well as a more approachable entrance for those who have difficulty with stairs.

The Manchester Police Department conducted their annual Bicycle Safety Program and Rodeo this past Saturday, May 29 at the Memorial School parking area.  A total of 178 students participated.

15 Years Ago – 2008

The temperatures are rising, the wind is picking up and the Manchester Sailing Association is preparing to launch its 38th season of teaching young and old to sail!

albums, arts, happening, film soundtracks, what's happening, bridge street, memorial day, francis flatley, memorial school, edward morley, town counsel, robert atwater, dorothy stanley