What Was Happening| July 14



90 Years Ago – 1933

The Town team went to Rockport last Friday evening and played a fine game of ball to hold Rockport to a tie at 4 all after darkness called the game in 9 innings.

At the Playground, Benjamin Cressy defeated Harry Slade 81-100 to win the Senior Darts Championship.  Power Fraser defeated George Corley in the final round of the Junior Dart Tournament.  This is the second Junior Tournament Power has won, the other being the Ping Pong Tournament.

75 Years Ago – 1948

A fleet of 25-30 motor cruisers and auxiliaries manned by the Boston Power Squadron, dropped anchor at noon Saturday in Manchester harbor, having completed the first leg of their three-day Annual outing.

Lightning struck the Walter A. Diamond home, Summer Street, Monday evening at the height of the furious storm, setting fire to a floor in the bedroom and a bed in which one of the Diamonds three children sleeps.  Fortunately, the child was visiting her aunt for the night.

60 Years Ago – 1963

A joint meeting of the Board of Selectman and the Water and Sewer Commissioners held Tuesday, resulted in unanimous agreement to the motion that the ice machine located on the Augustus Means property off Beach Street shall be moved at least 20 feet from the street line.

At the Board of Selectman meeting The Haverhill Gas Company was instructed to back fill a six-inch rut at the corner of Masconomo Street and Proctor Street following recent excavation by the company for installing services.

45 Years Ago – 1978

The fiscal 1979 state budget by Governor Michael Dukakis Monday includes $65,500 in increased local aid and property tax relief to Manchester.

The Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners are asking for a voluntary restriction on water usage, effective immediately.  Due to the hot, humid weather, the usage of water has increased substantially, and pumping totals from our water stations is reaching the safe yield capacity.

30 Years Ago – 1993

The town was shocked and saddened to learn Wednesday morning of the untimely and unexpected passing of one of its truly fine citizens and servants.  William F. McDiarmid died, according to a police report released by Chief Ronal W. Ramos, of apparent natural causes.  He was 42.

Following the receipt of a major corporate gift boosting the DISK cash proceeds to well over half of the $70,000 goal, an order has been placed for the 22 new computers.  New wiring is being planned for, carpeting and new chairs have been ordered and a painting party will be organized.

15 Years Ago – 2008

Local resident, Nicholas Tanner, 24, of Manchester, has been accepted into the Peace Corps.  Tanner left Manchester for the Kyrgyz Republic to begin pre-service training as an English as a foreign language Peace Corps Volunteer.

There is a new Gallery in town, located in the historical building at 11 Central Street, Manchester.   A co-operative of 14 artists will show their work at the Central Street Gallery, which opens on July 2nd.   The rich collection of paintings and sculpture will complement the three galleries presently in Manchester.

films, members of the australian senate, william f. mcdiarmid, walter a. diamond, michael dukakis, governor, peace corps, board of selectman, fraser, ronal w. ramos, george corley, haverhill gas company, nicholas tanner