90 Years Ago – 1932
The Manchester Troup of Boy Scouts held their annual Christmas party at the Scout House Wednesday evening, their being some 40 of the boys in attendance beside 10 of the Council.
Central Pond resumed its old-time mid-winter animation on Monday when the ice was declared safe for skating for the first time this season and the young people had a glorious time giving the kiddies an opportunity to try out their new skates that Santa Claus had brought them for Christmas.
75 Years Ago – 1947
Over 100 were present Saturday evening in Town Hall to enjoy the Cabaret Dance sponsored by the Amaral-Bailey Post, American Legion, which was a financial success as well as a social triumph.
Fast action on the part of the local Fire Department averted what would have been a very serious fire, Friday afternoon at the Jacques A. Laus estate, Jersey Lane. They were called at 1:42 and arrived to find the garage enveloped in smoke with flames leaping high. The department put three lines of hose on the conflagration and soon had it under control.
60 Years Ago – 1962
The Board of Selectman on Tuesday evening announced the receipt of a notice from the U.S. Army Engineer Division, New England, relative to an application of the Boston & Maine railroad to establish special regulations to govern the operation of the draw bridge.
The sale of the Dow Block on Beach Street has been announced. The block houses the plumbing shop of Nathaniel Andrews a real estate office and a television repair shop. The new owner of the building is Paul Brown.
45 Years Ago – 1977
The girls’ varsity basketball got off to a very promising start this season by defeating Georgetown 53-23, then Lynnfield 48-19 and Masco 49-37. Leading scorers in these victories were Faith Watt and Kathy Kelley in the Georgetown game; Pauline Renehan, Kathy Kelley and Faith Watt in the Lynnfield game; Faith Watt and Hope Watt in the Masco game.
The Steeple Lighting Fund ended the bicentennial year with a nice donation from Senator William L. Saltonstall enclosed in a most beautiful Christmas card. Bill took a picture of the lighted steeple at 8:10 in the evening with the moon in the background and the time on the clock is visible too.
30 Years Ago – 1992
Tom Schanley, formerly of Manchester, will appear in a made-for-TV movie “Miles from Nowhere,” to be aired on CBS Tuesday, January 7. Tom who has been in California since 1981, is presently filming his role in an upcoming episode of the series “Pros and Cons.”
The Board of Assessors has established a tax rate for Fiscal Year 1992, which commenced on July 1, 1991 and ends on June 30, 1992 in the amount of $9.94 per thousand dollars assessed valuation.
15 Years Ago – 2007
The Conservation Committee will begin to review a Notice of Intent and local permit application, under the State Wetlands Protection Act and local bylaw, submitted by Ben Gary of Marshal Gary LLC on behalf of the Manchester-Essex Regional School District. The district’s application includes construction of a high school building with parking, driveways, athletic fields, tennis courts, drainage and utilities within the flood plan, river front and buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetland along Lincoln Street.