WHAT WAS HAPPENING | January 21, 2022


90 Years Ago – 1932

An alarm of fire came in at 3:51 Tuesday morning from Box 324 on Raymond Street that brought out the department to fight a bad blaze in a garage on the SH Fessenden estate on Coolidge Point.  The fire was discovered by Chester Burchstead, night watchman at the point, and was well underway when he first saw it and having quite a distance to go to reach the box, it gained considerable headway, and when the department arrived, although they made the run in good time, it was seen the building was doomed but they prevented it from spreading.

An unusually good program has been arranged for the next meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association, which will be held at Story High School on Wednesday, January 20.  The Swedish Glee Club of Rockport will furnish the musical feature for the evening.

75 Years Ago – 1947

A public hearing was held on the application for a full liquor license by Peter J. Demarkis and John P. Demarkis.  Twenty-eight interested citizens attended, most being objectors to the granting of such a license.  Principal among the objectors were members of the local Clergy.  In favor representing the interests of the partitioners, was John W. Wynne, attorney-at-law.  The application has been taken under advisement by the board.

Story’s basketball club who had one three in a row, suffered their first set back of the ’46-’47 season when they were victims of two strong quinlets Ipswich and Governor Dummer.  Although the highland five were strong contenders to the final whistle they were trailing by the score of 28-24 and 40-26.

60 Years Ago – 1962

A 7 percent pay hike for all town employees and the elimination of two steps in the wage scale was advocated on Wednesday evening by the personnel board at a public hearing held in Town Hall.  It is expected that the pay hike will cost the town about $21,000.

A public hearing will be held in the office of the Board of Selectman, Town Hall on Tuesday evening, January 30, 1962 at 8 p.m., on the application of Wesley A. Standley dba Standley’s Garage, Beach and Summer Streets, to increase the capacity of gasoline to be stored underground from 7,000 gallons to 11,000 gallons.

45 Years Ago – 1977

The Standleys, with a 26-16 win over the Gearys, and the Als, with a 25-17 victory over the Table Four bowlers, emerged in a first place tie in the men’s Monday evening bowling league this week.

Joe Hyland, former baseball coach for 28 years in Manchester, will be inducted into the State Baseball Coaches’ Association Hall of Fame, February 11.  The ceremony will be held at the Sheraton Lincoln Inn in Worcester.

30 Years Ago – 1992

Members of the Board of Selectman this week gave their initial approval to the Harbor Committee to begin putting together specifications for a town-owned Harbormaster boat.  The town, in the past, has required the Harbormaster to provide his own vessel, a practice the committee would like to see come to an end.

Tonight, January 24, Manchester Jr.-Sr. High School will honor its outstanding basketball center David Mesgar who has scored over 1000 points during his high school basketball career.

15 Years Ago – 2007

Neighbors voiced concerns about the loss of green space and effects of increased flooding of Saw Mill Brook due to the proposed tennis court construction plans slated for the front of Memorial School.

The Manchester Housing Authority, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has received notice of a Technical Assistance and Emergency Capital Improvement Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development in the amount of $60,000 to enable replacement of gas stoves within it handicapped developments.

john w. wynne, john p. demarkis, joe hyland, swedish glee club of rockport, david mesgar, manchester housing authority inc., peter j. demarkis, massachusetts department of housing and community development, chester burchstead, standley’s garage, story high school, sheraton lincoln inn, memorial school