Coach Pulsifer’s basketball shooters, who are now in fine stride, will stack up against the Swampscott High team at Horticultural Hall, Friday evening. Capt. Lees and his team are counting on annexing their fifth victory of the season.
Sunday proved a highly disagreeable day rain falling steadily all day and towards night increased to a downpour which continued nearly all night. It has been a decidedly freakish winter as far as weather is concerned, no snow being in sight and practically no frost in the ground which is something most unusual for mid-winter.
The growing complexity of town affairs has prompted a group of citizens to discuss the advisability of forming in Manchester a Taxpayers Association, a move which has already been made in over 180 towns and cities of the state. It is, however, for the citizens of the town to decide whether they want an organization of this sort.
A proposal to move town offices from the present Town Hall to the former Story High School building was presented to the Board of Selectman Tuesday night. The recommendation came in a report from a committee appointed by the board to study possible uses for the former school building. Should town offices move, plans call for the present Town Hall structure be torn down, and the area landscaped as part of the village green.
Friday night, icy roads caused a vehicle off the road, Russell Dennis of Gloucester, while turning off Summer Street into a driveway, side-skidded and ended upon a pile of rocks. A wrecker from B & W Shop lifted the car free.
Town crew began early Friday morning the feat of keeping abreast of what turned out to be one of the worst snowstorms in our history as a record of nearly two feet of snow fell in a 24-hour period. The men of the Department of Public Works remained on the job until 12:30 a.m. Saturday and at that time all town roads were open and passable.
The Standleys, of the men’s Monday evening bowling league, blasted out a 28-14 victory over the Sacos team this week and moved into first place in the standings. The Browns were victors over the Crickets while Als beat our Table Four.
Gretchen A. Wood was recently appointed to the position of Town Clerk by Executive Secretary Paul Bockelman. Ms. Wood said, “I am very pleased to be appointed to this position and I intend to do my best to serve the people of the town”. Gretchen replaces Lois Lehn who along with her husband Doug, will be embarking on a sailing expedition to Haiti to do missionary work.
Grade five science classes are beginning a new unit entitled “Living Things on Earth”. This unit begins with signs of life and investigates the cell structure of plants and animals. It is a fun unit which allows much lab work with microscopes.
Thirty-five DECA students walked away with trophies at the District Xl Career Development Conference held at the Danversport Yacht Club Wednesday, January 16, qualifying for the State Conference to be held March 13-15 at the Marriott Coplay, Boston.
Josh Crosby, son of David and Linda Crosby of Manchester is featured on the cover of the February 2008 issue of Rowing News. Josh is the creator of IndoRow, a new team-oriented rowing exercise class that he launched at the Sports Club, LA.