
90 Years Ago – 1932

The storm of Thursday night of last week was by far the worst of the winter and in some respects the worst for several winters.  The snowfall, while not heavy amounting to six inches on a level, was of a very wet and clinging variety and clung to whatever it fell upon, as a result of which, the trees and shrubbery were loaded down in many cases with a burden heavier than they could bear and much damage was done by the breaking down of branches and trees and to add to the trouble a heavy wind of gale velocity prevailed.

Manchester’s Annual Town meeting this year was more of the old- fashioned type than has been experienced for several years and this is a most encouraging factor showing that a real live interest still exists in the welfare of the Town.  To be sure we miss some of the old time Town meeting oratory that used to hold the youngsters spellbound, but at this meeting there were more questions asked and more general genuine interest evinced generally, particularly in attendance.

75 Years Ago  – 1947

Manchester’s Annual Town Meeting this year drew one of the largest crowds ever to Town Hall, and many had to go home disappointed because there was not room for them.  The meeting got under way promptly at seven o’clock when Moderator, Judge Edward Morley, brought down his gavel.

Through the cooperation of one of our citizens and the efficient efforts of Sgt. MacEachern and Officer Connors the “Peeping Tom” who has been causing so much trouble of late was apprehended.  He was apprehended on Friday evening of last week and was before the Juvenile court on Thursday.  Chief Andrews warns that all offenses of this nature will be dealt with severely.

60 Years Ago – 1962

The New England Telephone and Telegraph Company will convert from manual service to dial service in Gloucester on April 15, 1962, Joseph Raferty, manager of the Cape Ann area, reported to State and local political figures and to the members of the press.  With the changeover to dial, Manager Raferty said, the local calling area will be expanded to include Essex and Manchester, in addition to the present exchanges of Magnolia and Rockport.

Winter is half over, the hare season is closed, cottontails can be hunted until February 28 and all fishing closes on February 28.  Fox hunters have done very well this year but few hunters use the pelts.  Fox fur is the best for sleeping bags or robes.  The fur doesn’t mat and it’s warm and light weight.

45 Years Ago – 1977

Michael X. Rodier, Manchester High School, has been named 1977 General Mills Family Leader of Tomorrow.  The student won the honor by scoring the highest in the school in a written knowledge and attitude examination administered to high school seniors here and throughout the country on December 7.  The Family Leader will receive a certificate from General Mills, sponsor of the annual Search for Leadership in Family Living, and will now be considered for state and national honors.

There has been a recent serious outbreak of measles in Danvers among high school students and also sporadic cases in other surrounding communities.  For this reason, the Manchester school physicians and the Manchester Board of Health have recommended that the school health program undertake an emergency immunization program to prevent or check the spread of this potentially serious illness to this community.

30 Years Ago – 1992

The acquisition of Manchester Marine by the Northern Light Marine Group, Inc. was completed January 28.  Thomas “Tim” Sturtevant, who bought the boat yard 22 and a half years ago, passed “reins” to the new principles as the business enters its 100th year.  John Winder, Rob Hoyle and Peter Seamans, as the new owners appreciate the proud heritage they must live up to as they embark on Manchester Marine’s future.

Fifty Cub Scouts from Manchester Pack 30 participated in the Cub Scout Olympic Day at Salem State’s O’Keefe Athletic Center on Saturday, February 1st.  “Olympic Day for Youth” is a project of the United States Olympic Education Committee sponsored by the North Shore District of the North Bay Council, it gave cub scouts the opportunity to celebrate and recognize the 1992 Olympic Year by participating in noncompetitive games and sports.

15 Years Ago – 2007

Forty-four Manchester Essex DECA students qualified to attend the State Career Development Conference to be held March 15-17 at the Copley-Marriott, Boston.  The District Conference was held this past Friday at the Danversport Yacht Club.

The Board of Selectman will host a brief reception for Chief Ron Ramos as he approaches retirement at their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2007, at the Town Hall.  The Board invites residents to join the Board in recognition of Ron’s 35 years of service to Manchester.

salem state’s o’keefe athletic center, north bay council, edward morley, ron ramos, general mills, manchester marine, danversport yacht club, manchester high school, peter seamans, gloucester, rob hoyle, cape ann, marine group, inc., joseph raferty, maceachern, john winder, essex, manchester board of health, michael x. rodier