90 Years Ago – 1931
Chief of Police Cooper wishes to express his gratification at the response to his request made recently by people who were parking their autos on the public streets all night. Although it was not 100 percent he had found it necessary to tag but a very few.
The storm of Friday evening was responsible for deferring quite a number from attending the bridge and whist party at Horticultural Hall, yet it was most successful in spite of that handicap there being 31 tables in place of nearly 50 expected, bridge being the popular game of the evening.
75 Years Ago – 1946
On Sunday, at 11:40 a.m., a call from box 54 brought the local fire department to the home of Edward J. McManus on Lincoln St. There was little damage done.
Christmas decorations throughout town regained the tempo of pre-war days as numerous families had inside decorations showing and many augmented the inside decorations with some outdoors.
60 Years Ago – 1961
Postmaster Jacob Greenberg said today he received a letter from William H. Neal, National Director of the U.S. Savings Bond Program, commending the local post office for the promotion and sale of Savings Stamps during the past year.
The annual Christmas program of the Parent-Teachers Association was presented on Wednesday evening at the Memorial School and was enthusiastically received by the many in attendance.
45 Years Ago – 1976
Amid rounds of applause from appreciative residents, Thomas S. Baker, nationally known local artist, presented the Board of Selectman with a large watercolor of Singin Beach and Eaglehead in memory of his grandfather, Edwin Payson Stanley.
Carolyn Davis, daughter of Mrs. Frederick Davis and the late Mr. Davis was elected as a freshman senator this year at Bryant College, Smithfield, R.I., after three years of involvement with student government at Manchester High School.
30 Years Ago - 1991
Manchester resident Edward P. Scott Jr., was recently honored by the Better Home Heat Council of Massachusetts for his outstanding contributions to the oil heat industry.
Members of the school committee this week took a few moments to clear up some of the confusion over the recently enacted “school choice” legislation, which has brought an influx of children and dollars to the Manchester schools.
15 Years Ago – 2006
Friday evening, December 1, was raw, cold and rainy but nearly 60 Scouts, their leaders and parent chaperones from Manchester’s Troop 3 still set out for their annual trip to New Hampshire. The destination was Cardigan Mountain for the weekend. The troop stayed at the newly renovated Appalachian Mountain Club Lodge.
The Spaulding Trust, now in its 18th year, has recently mailed its annual appeal letter to the residents of Manchester and Essex. The Spaulding Trust is our local education fund that raises private monies in support of the Manchester/Essex public schools. It funds school-based programs to enrich and enhance learning.