What Was Happening | August 4



90 Years Ago – 1933

The Boy Scouts are planning to leave for their annual period in camp at Rollins Pond, N.H. on the 19th, the advance contingent leaving on the 16th to make things ready for the main body.  Leon W. Carter will be in charge of the first delegation and Henry Henneberry will be in charge of the commissary department as usual.

With Tom Lees in the box for the Town team, last Sunday afternoon, the boys hammered at a victory over the Les Canadiens by the score of 4 to 2.  All Manchester’s runs came in the first inning when Chane got a life on an infield error.  Imbeault beat out a bunt and with successive singles by Needham, Fraser, E. Cook, Flatley, Carn and K. Cook four runs were pushed over.

75 Years Ago – 1948

At Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Board of Health it was voted unanimously to close the Dodd Co. Plant on Tappan Street, the action being taken after numerous complaints of offensive odors coming from the Plant had been registered with the board members from residents in the neighborhood.

A Chicken Pie Supper will be the piece de resistance at the annual Manchester Club Picnic which will be held, rain or shine, at Tuck’s Point, on Saturday, August 21.  Picnic activities will start in the afternoon with light refreshments and sports.

60 Years Ago – 1963

The awarding of the contract, for the construction of the new Brown’s Super Market, to Gourdeau Construction Company, Inc., of Beverly, Massachusetts, has been announced by George A. Brown, attorney for the Brown family.  Site preparation will commence Friday, August 2, 1963, and construction will commence on August 5, 1963.

On Monday, August 5th, Past Commander Al Doane and his large committee will again play host to a group of patients from the Chelsea Soldiers Home at Tuck’s Point.  This will be the 16th annual party for the men held by the local Legion Post.

45 Years Ago – 1978

Attorney General Francis Bellotti has approved the Animal Control Act, in its entirety.  He has also given approval to the change in the By-Law making the first Saturday in May as the date for the Annual Town Meeting, and the second Saturday in May as the date for the Annual Town Election, all as per vote of the townspeople of Manchester during the Annual Town Meeting in May of this year.

The Annual Outing and Clam Bake of the Manchester Democratic Committee, held last Saturday at Tuck’s Point, was enjoyed by some 250 people.  The weather held fine, and the candidates mingled with their potential constituents, with everyone having a wonderful time.

30 Years Ago – 1993

The main attractions of the fifth week of the eight-week Manchester Summer Playground Program were the Monday, July 26th, trip to the Manchester Public Library and the Tuesday, July 27th, excursion to New England Alive in Ipswich.

The Selectman voted to increase water and sewer rates Tuesday, raising the annual average cost of sewer users by about $63.00.  The discussion followed the recommendation by the board that water rates increase to $1.60 per 100 cubic feet, and sewer rates to $2.40.

15 years Ago – 2008

The strong summer storm that rolled through the streets of Manchester last Thursday, July 17th, caused the Board of Selectman to call for a water-restriction and declare a State of Water Emergency as the water treatment and pumping station at Gravelly Pond was struck by lightning.

Manchester Summerstage’s production of Seussical The Musical performed to sellout crowds on each of its five-night performances scheduled last week at the Memorial School auditorium.  A rollicking cast of 69 actors and actresses, ranging in age from 8-17 sang and danced their way into the hearts of each and every ticket holder.

what's happening, francis bellotti, memorial school, board of selectman, dodd co., selectman, chane, flatley, leon w. carter, tom lees, gourdeau construction company inc., commander, k. cook, carn, al doane, henry henneberry, george a. brown, e. cook