Parents who contemplate sending their children to school in September for the first time, are reminded of the statute law governing vaccination. No pupil will be admitted who cannot present a card or certificate from a physician that he or she has been successfully vaccinated, or giving good and sufficient cause why not.
There was a large attendance at Horticultural Hall Wednesday afternoon for the play “Ding Dong Bell” which was given for the benefit of the Beverly Hospital under the sponsorship of a committee of ladies of the summer colony. A goodly sum was realized.
Members of the Amaral-Bailey Post American Legion gathered at Tuck’s Point Saturday afternoon for their annual picnic which turned out to be an overwhelming success. Activities started at two o’clock and continued until dark with a delicious clam chowder being served to about 100 attending members at 5:30 sports were enjoyed in the afternoon and softball, horseshoe pitching and swimming holding the limelight.
Through the great generosity of Mrs. Harry Tappan the Manchester Girl Scouts have received a gift of a building which could be converted into a suitable meeting place for the girls if a lot of land could be procured on which to place the building. The Troop committee would greatly appreciate as to land which could be purchased, leased or donated.
Manchester’s share of the apportionment of $10 million, to be shared by each of the 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth for the construction of new roads or the improvement of existing thoroughfares is $14,540.34 according to an announcement by State Department of Public Works Commissioner Jack P. Riccardi.
The Manchester baseball league all-stars, behind the no-hit pitching of Charlie Bulger, defeated the Gloucester Reds, champs of the Gloucester Little League in a game played Monday evening at Gloucester. Bulger was magnificent on the hill and also contributed the only extra base blow of the game, a double.
Norm Hersey of Standley’s Garage told police that a tape deck and speakers had been taken from a car sometime Friday night. The car belonged to Alex Spaulding.
The time of the year has come when we will be planting shade trees throughout the town. This is a continuing program that was started by the former Tree Warden to replace those trees that are being removed because of disease and age.
Sian Senecal of Manchester recently returned from a year abroad as a Youth for Understanding (YFU) International Exchange student. Sian lived with the Barcos family in Uruguay. She is the daughter of Daniel Senecal and attended Manchester Jr. Sr. High school prior to her departure.
Kenny Baker of 32 Pleasant St., Manchester won honors in the shotgun competition at the 1992 session of the Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp which was held recently in Spencer, MA.
The Manchester Fire Department is proud to announce the hiring of Jonathan McDiarmid for the position of Firefighter/EMT. Firefighter McDiarmid is currently enrolled in a paramedic certification program at Elliot Hospital in Manchester, NH.
The Story High class of 1957 celebrated their 50th Reunion on August 11, 2007 at Angelica’s Restaurant in Middleton. Everyone who attended the event spent a wonderful evening reminiscing about the good old days when they were young and maybe a bit foolish.