Sunday, December 12 was a day with a plenty of sun and a little breeze for Santa’s Tour around town. Santa’s Annual Tour around town sponsored by the Amaral Bailey Post #113 American Legion and the Seaside Fireman’s Club of the Manchester Fire Department and was supported by the Manchester Fire Department. This traditional trip has been happening for over 60 years due to the dedication of the two groups much to the joy of the youngsters around town.
Prior to the tour, about 50 folks were at the fire station to see Santa and talk to him prior to Santa climbing on the back of the Rockport Forestry truck for the trip. The entire trip around town took about two-and- one half hours and brought joy to many coming out of their homes to welcome Santa to their neighborhood. Following the trip, Santa headed right back to the North Pole to get ready for the December 24th trip around the world.
This trip would not have been possible without the work of many people. First, Santa had a new “ride” this year. Thanks to the Rockport Forestry Department and Driver Tom Beaton for bringing the 1941 Ford Forestry Truck to town for the Santa Tour. Thanks to FF Jon Happel and family members for piloting his truck for the distribution of animal crackers. Thanks to Lt Jim Doucette and FF Joe Sanfilippo for piloting the Manchester Utility #4 and Officer Sean Mullins for leading the way in a MPD cruiser. Thanks to Bill Bell, member of the Amaral Bailey Post # 113 and Tom Kehoe from the Seaside Fireman’s Club for taking care of the animal cracker distribution. Thanks to Lt. Andrew Herendeen for handling the logistics with the fire apparatus and MFD Chief Jason Cleary for his support of the trip. Most of all, thanks to Santa and the residents of all ages who came out to welcome him to their neighborhoods with cheers and well wishes.