The Seaside Garden Club’s next meeting is February 14, Valentine’s Day, and the meeting’s subject will be, appropriately, roses.
The guest speaker, Teresa Mosher, is an author and one of the leading gardens and rose consultants in New England.
Mosher’s passion for flowers, (especially roses) started as a child when her father would start seedlings and plant them in the family garden every spring. Even though he worked long hours, he took the time to care for and grow fruits, vegetables and flowers. He taught his family important life lessons in the process. The garden became a place to relax and enjoy life where she and her father felt most at peace.
The Seaside Garden Club encourages anyone interested to attend this program on easy rose care; your questions on roses will be answered. Teresa has over 40 years’ experience, holds many certifications and awards and was past president of the New England Rose Society. Her two books, A Year in My Rose Garden and How Roses Touch Our Lives will be available for purchase.
Seaside Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Manchester Community Center, 7 p.m. social time, program starts at 7:30. Guests are welcome, and are asked to contribute a $5 guest fee.