Supplemental Enrichment Activities Plan for Manchester-Essex Regional High School
For Teachers
Google Classroom is the preferred method of communication with students.
Teachers should post supplemental enrichment activities on Google Classroom according to the posting calendar for the High School. Middle school teachers should post activities once a week (starting on Wednesday) with a one week due date based on the day of the week students will be focusing on their specific content area.
Experiences should be preceded by either video (preferred) or written explanations.
Check-in and due dates should be posted with the supplemental experiences/activities.
Teachers should post “Office Hours” for real-time access for students with questions. Teachers should be available for students at two different times during the day/evening. For example: 11am - noon and 4pm - 5pm. Office Hours should be posted on the communication sheet..
Virtual attendance will be monitored through work completed.
Teachers will track the completion of activities, by marking an X in Aspen, but will not post grades.
Special Education teachers will provide students with a “toolbox” to support student access to supplemental enrichment experiences at home.
During closure, Special Education teachers will check-in directly with students to identify problems and troubleshoot solutions.
During closure, Regular Education teachers should reach out directly to parents and students if they notice that a student is not completing supplemental activities consistently.
If a teacher becomes ill, the teacher should post if they will be unavailable.
Regular Education teachers should regularly update Aspen noting completion of experiences. For students with IEPs, Special Education teachers will also be involved in monitoring student progress.
For Students:
Students should check both MEAPPs email and Google Classroom on a daily basis, as teachers may be communicating both ways.
Students are responsible for completing posted supplemental enrichment activities and experiences.
If a student is having difficulty, he/she should reach out to the teacher during digital “office hours” or via email to schedule an appointment for an online conference (Facetime, Google Hangouts Skype, etc. or Chat). Middle School students will be advised by their teacher(s) which tool will be used.
For students with IEPs, please also reach out to your liaison/case manager if you are having difficulties. Email is best.
Understanding students may not have taken home all necessary tools, supplies, books, etc., students should contact their teacher if they do not have access to a needed resource to find a way to work around that obstacle.
If a student becomes ill, they should contact each teacher to let them know.
For Parents/Guardians:
Parents/Guardians should monitor students to assure completion of the supplemental experience/activities.
Parents/Guardians should contact the teacher if there is a concern about their student’s progress
This was provided by Manchester-Essex Regional High School Principal Patricia Puglisi to families and students in Manchester and Essex in a letter home on March 16. The resource supports distance learning that will be implemented through March 27 in the district's closure to help stem spread of the COVID-19 virus in Massachusetts.
manchester high school,
middle school,
patricia puglisi,