To the Editor,
Whelp, another insane idea, “cancel CHRISTMAS,” is percolating in Manchester early this season. And, it is up to the normally silent majority to combat the nonsense. Yes, it is a “HOLIDAY”; however, it is a CHRISTMAS holiday!
Good old Saint Nicholas has done nothing, as far as I know, to the morons creating the kerfuffle. The Jolly Rumbly White, White Bearded Fat Man in a red suit, and other CHRISTMAS themes do not belong to any group of confused “offended” humans. Shopkeepers do not need your input or approval about how they decorate their business for the CHRISTMAS holiday season.
Perhaps the idea “cancel CHRISTMAS” is just a rumor, but I wouldn’t put it past the lost misguided souls (with WAY too much time on their hands) to care about what other people celebrate. And picking on Santa? Really? He is especially busy and therefore vulnerable this time of year creating, organizing, and packing for his trip around the world to bring joy to ALL innocent children. That’s a lot of kids!
Children between the ages 3-11 are likely looking forward to the morning of December 25 -- and with any luck they will wake that morning with a treat under a CHRISTMAS tree. Adults are likely looking forward to their annual trip to sing CHRISTMAS carols at their place of worship. Everyone is likely looking forward to a pleasant CHRISTMAS season unmolested by laughable naïveté.
The Scarecrow from the Land of Oz would choose the date March 25 to vilify, but you people didn’t think … oh heavens, never-mind, hmmm. And King Moonracer would most likely kick you blockheads off the island, and that bar is low -- just ask Charlie In The Box. My message for the person/people attempting to “cancel CHRISTMAS” - GFY, love the passion!
“MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and to all … Goodnight.”
Christian Brown
Post Script - “GFY” is an acronym “Good For You” -- if you are easily offended, go to your “safe space”, hug a puppy, buy a latte, knit a pair of rainbow mittens, change your gender -- whatever…