5:10 p.m. Ocean St., parking violation, citation and verbal warning.
7:58 p.m. Desmond Ave., car parked blocking driveway, owner contacted and moved.
8:03 p.m. Central St., found backpack in Town Hall lot, logged.
10:31 p.m. School St., speed violation, written warning.
1:00 a.m. Tuck’s Point Rd., people on swings, moved along.
9:05 a.m. Pleasant St., rabbit in road, Animal Control Officer notified.
10:51 a.m. Dexter Lane, Animal Control Officer picked up wild animals, transported to vet.
4:32 p.m. Brook St., wallet stolen from purse, information taken.
9:09 a.m. Masconomo St., inspection, complete.
1:08 p.m. Summer St., 911 hang-up, confirmed accidental.
3:40 p.m. Summer St., 18 wheeler attempting to go under bridge, logged.
11:21 p.m. The Plains St., shaking and semiconscious, transported to hospital.
1:56 a.m. Chebacco Rd., unoccupied car found by police range, logged.
11:20 a.m. Highland Ave., lethargic, transported to hospital.
4:53 p.m. Rt 128NB ramp, disabled motor vehicle, out of gas, waiting for gas.
5:21 p.m. Pine St., speeding violation, written warning.
2:20 a.m. Forest Lane, female passed out, pale, refusal for transport.
10:27 a.m. Crooked Lane, pop followed by power outage, National Grid notified.
4:34 p.m. Eaglehead Rd., assist with smoke detector, system reset.
7:07 p.m. Beach St., deceased seal, Animal Control Officer notified.
1:31 a.m. Route 128SB, lights violation, verbal warning.
2:59 a.m. Route 128SB, marked lanes violation, verbal warning.
10:11 a.m. Beach St., community policing Singing Beach, completed.
3:16 p.m. School St., discomfort and shaking, transported to hospital.
No report.